Chapter 38

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"Hello Nashville!" I shouted into the microphone as I stood up on my platform after my first set of songs. "How are you all tonight?"

The crowd roared in response and I smiled. "I won't lie to you, I'm a little hung over, but pushing through." I laughed. "I have a very special guest here with me tonight. She's from here in Tennessee and has become a quick friend of mine. Her new album debuts tonight at midnight, and I'd like everyone to help me welcome...Kelsea Ballerini!!" I yelled. The lights changed as Kelsea came out onto the stage to come stand next to me, embracing me into a hug.

The crowd cheered around us and we stood for a moment. "I hope you don't mind me crashing the show, but Phee and I have a song that we want to share with you." I smiled. The song started playing softly and we looked at each other and began singing.

Kelsea stayed out with me for the rest of my next set of songs, singing some of them with me before going backstage. The show ended and I quickly wandered back into my dressing room where I found a bouncing Rose. "Auntie Phee you were AMAZING!" She yelled and ran into my arms. I grunted as she collided with me but I lifted her up. I ignored Scarlett and Chris and kept my focus on Rose, taking her out of the dressing room and to the craft services table to get a snack. Well, more like candy.

"Phoenix!" I turned my head to see Jake and his friends walking towards me with backstage passes around their necks. "That was great! Thanks for the upgrade tonight!" He scratched the back of his neck and I smiled. "I'm glad you guys liked it."

"Any chance can introduce us to Kelsea?" Colton asked and I nodded. "Hell yea I can. Guys this is Rose, my niece, Rosie, these are some of Phee's new friends." She waved shyly and hid her head on my shoulder. I motioned for them to follow me and we walked around backstage until we found Kelsea. I introduced everyone and Kelsea was more than happy to talk to them and take pictures with them.

"This is so dope. I've never been backstage at a concert before." Jake said, looking around.

I was sitting around a table with everyone when I saw Chris walk up, "Phee, can we talk? Please?" My eyes met his and I sighed. I nodded and stood up. I set Rose down and she walked with her hand in mine until we found Colin and Scarlett who were having their own heated conversation in another room.

They stopped arguing when I brought Rose in. "We're going to talk." I said. Scarlett nodded and Chris and I walked back to my dressing room.

"You wanted to talk, so talk?" I said as the door shut behind him. "Don't be like this, please." He groaned slightly and I shrugged and started taking off my dress to change into more comfortable clothes.

"I understand we should have told you Phee, but in all honesty, I didn't think it would matter. I love you and Scarlett and I are just friends." I peeled off the dress and dropped it onto the couch, standing in front of him in my underwear and tall knee high boots. "I really am sorry for keeping it from you. I just want you. You know that." He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair as I pulled an oversized sweatshirt over my body and sat down on the couch.

"You're an idiot, you know that?"

He smiled slightly, "I know. I just, I don't want this to change anything between us. You mean so much to me." Chris moved and kneeled in front of me. "So much to me that I'm not even going to ask about those guys you were sitting with. I love you and I trust you."

"I met them when I left the hotel. They're nice, in fact one of them kept me from doing coke that his friends were doing. I did smoke a lot though." I mumbled. "I'm proud of you." He whispered. I sighed and my eyes met his again. "Where were you today? We were worried."

I ran my hand across his jaw as he shifted slightly closer to me. "The movie theater. They have really good drinks." I paused for a moment and felt him unzip the boots and pull them off my feet.

"I saw your movie. It was really good. I cried." I mumbled. I saw his lips twitch into a small smile. He pushed off the ground and sat down on the couch next to me, where I curled into his side. "I'm still mad at you, but I missed you." I mumbled. His arms wrapped around me and I felt him kiss my head. "You can be mad at me, just don't leave me." He mumbled.

"I don't think I could if I tried at this point." I replied, letting my body relax into his side.

We stayed there for a little while, just enjoying the silence and each others company before leaving the room to get ready to go back to the hotel. I found Jake and his friends again and pulled him into a hug. "Seriously, thank you for keeping me from going off the deep end." I said, softly. "That was all you, Phee." "You definitely helped, so thank you." I laughed, pushing his shoulder. I said goodbye to Kelsea who had informed me we were both now trending on twitter and so was her album which would finally be out in the next hour. Hopefully it does well, I had already heard it and it was amazing.

We had all said our goodbyes and went separate ways. I ended up in a car with Chris, Scarlett, Colin, and Rose and to say it was awkward would be the understatement of the year. I could tell Colin wasn't really too happy with Scarlett but remained very mature about the whole thing. They would be fine. Scarlett broke the silence with a loud sigh, "Look. I'm sorry about everything okay? Can we all please just forget it ever happened and move on? For all of our sakes? It was a long time ago and nothing ever came out of it besides some regrets."

"Wow, thanks Scar." Chris mumbled and I elbowed his side. "I'm fine. I'm over it." I replied. She looked at Colin who shrugged, "It's fine. I just didn't appreciate that whole bomb being dropped."

"I'm sorry." She said quietly again. The rest of the ride back to the hotel was quiet, except for Rose's soft snores as she laid against Chris. We all got out of the car and Colin lifted her up to carry her back to their room.

"Hey? Are we okay?" Scarlett asked, grabbing my arm and holding me back slightly as the men walked ahead. "We're fine. I was just shocked, that's all." I gave her a small smile and pulled her into a hug. "I do love you, Scar." "I love you too, and I'm proud of you." She pulled away and held my hand. "You did scare me though."

"I know, and I'm sorry. The last time I went missing, I realized it wasn't good for anybody. I couldn't do that to you again, or Rose." She continued to hold my hand as we got into the elevator.

We said our good nights and Chris and I walked into our room where Dodger was patiently waiting. He got very excited when he saw me and rolled on his back at my feet for a belly rub. "Hi Dodge." I happily sat on the floor and pet him as he jumped all over me. "He missed you last night." Chris said from his position on the couch. "I missed him too. He's my cuddle buddy."

"What about me?" Chris pouted slightly. "You're still not 100% forgiven Mr. Evans." I sat up and Dodger laid down across my lap. Chris huffed and got up, disappearing into the bathroom to get ready for bed. "Do you want to snuggle with me tonight??" I asked Dodger who playfully barked at me. "I knew you would. Come on."

I stood up and walked into the bathroom where Chris was now standing shirtless and brushing his teeth. I wrapped my arms around his torso and rested my cheek on his bare back. "You're warm." I mumbled. He laughed slightly and spit out the toothpaste. "Are you cold?" He asked. I nodded and he smiled, "then get ready for bed and I'll warm you up."

"I'm not having sex with you." I said. He laughed and turned around. "I said nothing about having sex Phee." He kissed my forehead and took one of my makeup wipes, smearing it down my face. "Get that crap off your face and then come get in bed."

I glared at him, "it is not crap." "It is when it hides your face, your beautiful freckles, adorable dimples..."

I rolled my eyes and continued wiping off my makeup before washing my face and brushing my teeth. I ended up crawling into bed next to Chris and wrapping my arms around him as Dodger got comfortable on the other side of me. I was sandwiched between both of them and I wouldn't have it any other way. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too."

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