chapter 4. the karma of two banks

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chapter. 4
the karma of two banks
chapter song : my tears ricochet

"Do we really have to do this?" Jennie asked with a large sigh as she trailed behind her brother holding her bag over her shoulder

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"Do we really have to do this?" Jennie asked with a large sigh as she trailed behind her brother holding her bag over her shoulder. "Yes, Jennie, I want to play hockey. Even if it means playing with those ducks."

"That's a lot of I's there bub." Adam turned back to her slightly annoyed, "It was one 1." The girl scoffed loudly at that, "Doesn't matter! I'm here because you're here. Those Ducks hate our guts!"

Adam rolled his eyes but knew she was right, "Maybe we can make new friends." Jennie stared at him for a moment before she burst out laughing, he stared at her unimpressed.

"Adam, don't you get it. This isn't all one big giant prank! This is the universe telling us to screw off. This is Karma, and worst part is.. we deserve it." Adam stared at his sister, "Hey.."

She looked at him slightly confused, "Yeah?" He coughed as he turned back to look at the Duck locker room, "You any good at soccer?"

Jennie smiled slightly, "No, but I can try." Adam smiled back at her before looking at the Duck locker again, "Let's just go in." Adam looked back at her unsure, "This is your dream, Adam, you need to play to get scouted."

He looked at his sister gratefully, "What's your dream?" The girl grinned wickedly, "To eat one mean cheese burger.. I haven't figured it out yet but when I do, even if it's ballet or theater, you've got to do it with me. Promise."

She stuck her pinky out to her twin who looked at her unsure but upon seeing her nervous face, despite her trying to hide it, he took her pinky. "Promise." The twins turned to the locker room, Adam opened the door, allowing his sister in first.

They entered the room that immediately went silent. Jennie linked eyes with Guy who wore little to no expression as Connie watched him like a guard dog. The girl looked around, finding Charlie near the back, he sent her a grin. Adam took notice of this and immediately turned to his twin with a raised eyebrow. "I'm so telling Andrew."

Before Jennie could react, Gordon Bombay entered the locker room, smiling contently seeing the twins, "Hey. Wasn't sure if you guys would show up." He greeted the pair, patting Adam and Jennie on the back, "Yeah, whatever. I just want to play hockey."

Jennie stood silently, looking towards the ground nervously. "Good. Ducks, you all know Adam and Jennie Banks." Bombay started as he pushed Jennie and Adam forward, Charlie taking notice of his enemies unusual quietness moved forwards, "On behalf of the Ducks, I'd like to say welcome."

Jennie watched as Charlie came close only to be shoved back by Jesse Hall, "Cake eater." His eyes went from Adam to Jennie, "Barbie." The girl rolled her eyes, arms crossing over her chest, "That's the best you got, Kenny Denunez."

"Ooh, the Jess-man, dissing the new guys. The Jess-ster!" Averman joked at the wrong time as Jennie had managed to piss Jesse off even more.

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