chapter 9. chocolate wasted

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chapter 9.
chocolate wasted
chapter song : dorothea

Jennie Banks had never felt a lose quite like this one

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Jennie Banks had never felt a lose quite like this one. It'd been a nearly a month since Tammy had admitted that she would be leaving to North Carolina. The two girls had practically spent every day of the last month together.

Playing hockey, ice skating, or having movie nights together. Tommy had already told the other Ducks about their future move and everyone was very upset by this. Especially Charlie, who had seen the Ducks as his family.

He didn't want that or them to slip away from each other. Especially with Karp falling behind in grade school, so he had to be held back. Peter started hanging out with the kids who'd hang out behind the school.

And there was rumors that Terry and Jesse would be split up in the divorce filament. Neither brother wanted to talk about it but the divorce had been going on even during the Pee Wees.

So the Ducks respected the brothers distancing from the subject, figuring that they'd tell them when they were ready.

But Jennie would be most effected by the lose of Tammy, who had served as her closest and practically only friend on the team. Sure, Jennie and Connie were sorta friends but they weren't best friends.

They kept secrets from each other, hadn't had one sleepover since they'd met, and still like the same guy. Which one of them is now dating, and the other can't let go off.

So Jennie found herself falling in a state of depression, she was a rich girl who had it all. But she'd never had a real friend like Tammy.

She had girls in school who would pretend to be her friend to get to Adam or to get to Jennie's money holding hands. Tammy didn't care for Adam romantically, and Tammy didn't care about Jennie being a cake eater.

Tammy was there for Jennie and her personality. No one appreciated Jennie quite like Tammy did. And Jennie wasn't sure how she'd be with Tammy gone.

It left her in a state of denial, hoping some Disney magic would get her best friend to stay in Minnesota. But that wasn't the case, Tammy had began to pack up her room, not totally as she still had 3 weeks to stay. But some of her clothes were in boxes.

Tammy had delivered a few things to Jennie's house that she thought her friend would like. And Jennie loved the items but it made her cry at the thought of not being able to go to Tammy's house to steal it.

Sarah Banks, continuously told Jennie that she would make new friends and that she had the Ducks but that didn't stop Jennie from her ever present sadness. The young Banks was falling, and not in love falling, but falling into a wreck.

That leaves her to now.

Jennie opened up the door to diner that she knew all too well, it was around 2pm and the sad girl had a hankering for ice cream. "Hello there sweetheart, what will it be?"

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