A Study In Pink

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- Will's POV - 

I sat bolt upright in bed, still haunted by my nightmares or being on the battle field. Once my brain registered I wasn't, in fact on the battle field I laid my head against the pillow again, struggling to control my breathing. My therapist said I should try keeping a blog, said I should write down everything that happens 

*Time skip* 

I walked down the street, with no real destination in mind, I didn't plan to walk very far due to my stupid leg anyways. 

"Will!" someone behind me called 

"Will!" they called again, I turned to see my old friend Cecil smiling at me. I hadn't seen him since college, when we we're both still in med school. 

"Cecil, hey it's been a while" I said, switching my walking cane to my other arm to shake his hand. 

"What happened? Last I heard you we're abroad somewhere getting shot at" he asked, I glanced at my shoulder, 

"Got shot"

*Time skip (A/n - I know it's short but I'm basing it off a tv show and writing flows a bit differently so cut me some slack pls ;-; )  

We sat on a park bench, each with a coffee just watching the foot traffic of central park (A/N - Yes, I know it's supposed to take place in London but I'm changing in to New York.) 

"So, you still at the hospital?" I asked in-between sips of coffee

"No, teaching now...so, you just staying till you get yourself sorted?" 

"Come on, you know I couldn't afford New York on an army pension" 

"Ah but you couldn't bare to be anywhere else, that's not the Will Solace I know" he said with a smile, I switched my coffee cup to my right hand in an attempt to still the shaking in my left. My therapist says it's from PTSD, that I'm haunted from my time on the battlefield. 

"Couldn't Kayla help?" he asked 

"Yeah, like that'll happen" I said with a laugh, Kayla was in no place to do that right now. 

"Hm, I don't know....get a roommate or something?" Cecil suggested 

"Come on, who'd want me as a roommate?" I asked jokingly but Cecil just chuckled and smiled, 

"You know, your the second person to say that to me today" he said, I tilted my head in confusion, 

"Who's the first?" 

*Time skip* 

- Nico's POV - 

I unzipped the body bag, Reyna stood near me with a clip board and a lab coat. 

"How fresh?" I asked,

"Just in, he used to work here...I knew him, he was nice" Reyna said 

"I'll start with a ridding crop" I said with a sinister smile, Reyna nodded and left to watch as I beat the corpse with a whip. By the time I was done, Reyna approached with a mildly concerned look,

"So...bad day was it?" she asked, I nodded while typing on my phone 

"I need to know what bruises form in the next 30 minutes, I'll be upstairs" 


*Time skip* 

- Will's POV - 

I walked into the lab after Cecil, I wasn't expecting to be in basically a morgue, I looked around to see a man (A/n - There in there 20's-30's in this) sitting at a micro-scope. He had fluffy raven black hair and pale alabaster skin, he was in a black dress shirt and very focused on what ever he was looking at. 

"Cecil, can I borrow your phone? There's no signal on mine" the man asked, still focused

"Uh, sorry it was in my coat" Cecil said, patting his jean pockets

"You can use mine" I offered, pulling it out of my pocket. It was a shitty iphone Kayla had given me but It worked so I wasn't complaining. The man looked up, and I noticed his dark brown eyes that verged on black. 

"Afghanistan or Iraq?" he asked as he typed something, I looked up at him puzzled, I glanced at Cecil who was just smiling smugly 

"Uh...Afghanistan, how did yo-"

"How do you feel about the violin?" He cut me off, passing the phone back to me before returning to what he was doing 

"Sorry what?" I asked, caught off guard by the question 

"I play the violin when I'm thinking...sometimes I don't talk for days on end....would that bother you? Potential roommates should know the worst about each other" 

"Roommates? Who said anything about roommates?!" I asked, I was probably blushing and could only hope he couldn't tell, 

"I did, about an hour ago. I told Cecil I must be a difficult person person to find a roommate for, and now here he is just after lunch with a recently retired war hero looking for a place to stay. I've got my eye on a little place in central New York, together we should be able to afford it" he said, grabbing a coat and scarf while talking,

"We just met and we're going to go look at an apartment together?" I asked

"Yes, problem?" he replied, putting on his scarf 

"We don't know a thing about each other, I don't know where we're meeting, I don't even know your name" 

"I know you're a retired army doctor in need of cheap accommodations, you have a sister but you won't go to her for help, possibly because she's an alcoholic (A/N - Just going by the show for that one), that's enough to be going on with don't you think?" he said, he walked to the door, before turning to me once more

"The name is Nico di Angelo and the address is 221B baker street, afternoon" he said before leaving. I turned to Cecil who was still smiling, 

"Yeah, he's always like that". 

Authors note - So, I know it's pretty shitty, I'll probably come back and tweak a few things but for now this is this is it. Hope you enjoyed. 

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