A Study In Pink (Part 4)

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Authors note - Buckle up, it's a long one folks. I'm gonna try and finish out a study in pink in this. It is gonna be a lot of word for word in this one but I'm gonna spice it up a little. The next few chapters are gonna be longer, I wanna try and keep them to 3 parts max. Also, Grace is Jason just fyi, I wasn't sure if that was clear or not lol. 

- Will's POV - 

I entered the apartment, not sure what to expect. Nico was laying on the couch staring at the ceiling, 

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Nicotine patch, they help me think." he stated, pulling up the sleeve of his dress shirt to reveal 3 nicotine patches on his right arm. 

"Is that...3 patches?" I asked, mildly concerned 

"It's a three patch problem" he said pulling his sleeve down again. I looked around the room awkwardly, walking to the window to look out at the street. Nico turned to face me, 

"Something wrong?" he asked

"I just met a friend of yours" I said, still shaken up from earlier, Nico's eyes widened in concern 

"A friend?!" 

"An enemy" I clarified, that's what the woman had called herself after all

"Oh, which one?" he asked causally

"Your archenemy, according to her, do people have archenemies in real life?" 

Nico smiled amused, "Did she offer you money to spy on me?"


"Did you take it?"


"Pity, we could have split the few, think it threw next time" Nico said teasingly. I shifted awkwardly, 

"Well....come at once you said, I assumed it was important" 

"Ah! Ho bisogno che mandi un messaggio" (A/n - Translation in the comments)

"Uh, sorry?" 

Nico sat up and hopped off the couch, headed to a desk and pulled out a pink suit case

"T-thats...that's the pink ladies case, that's Drew Tanaka's case" I realized, eyes widening

"Obviously" Nico stated unzipping it and flipping it open, "Oh, perhaps I should mention I didn't kill her" 

"Do people normally assume your the murder?" I asked, Nico chuckled

"Now and again yes, anyways, I need you to send a text" he said flipping the case shut, 

"You...want me to send a text?" 

"Mhm, there's a number on my desk text it these words exactly, 'Quello che è successo ieri sera all'orto botanico, devo essere svenuto. 22 1st ave, per favore vieni.'" 

"Uh, sorry I don't speak French" I replied after entering the number 

"French? Oh, sorry sometimes I slip into Italian instead of english, 'What happened at the botanical gardens last night, I must have blacked out. 22 1st ave, please come.'" he translated. I typed the message and sent it, Nico re-opened the case and seemed to be double checking for something,

"What are you looking for?" I asked, Nico smiled slightly

"The one thing missing from the case" 

"Which is?" 

"Her phone. Where is her phone? There's no phone in the case there was no phone on the body, we know she had one that was her number you just texted there" 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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