A Study In Pink (Part 3)

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Authors note - I've been planning this out and the wedding chapters are gonna piss a lot of people off lmao 

- Will's POV - 

We pilled into a taxi, Nico gave them directions and the car began driving. 

"Ok, you've got questions" Nico said, breaking the silence of the car, 

"Yeah, where are we going?" I asked

"Crime scene, next?" he stated causally as if we we're going out for lunch. 

"Who are you?" 

"What do you think?" 

"I-I'd say private detective but....the police don't go to private detectives"

He smiled faintly, "I'm a consulting detective, I invented the job" 

"What does that mean?" I asked, studying his gorgeous face in the glow of passing street lights. He was shorter than me, but intimidating. 

"It means, when the police are out of there depth, which is always, they consult me" 

*Time skip* 

We got out of the car and walked to the police line, a girl with fluffy blonde hair a gray eyes watched us approach, 

"Hello freak" she said, Nico rolled his eyes

"Will, this is sergeant Annabeth Chase" he stated as we walked under the police line, 

"Who's this?" she asked in reference to me 

"My collogue" Nico stated, 

"A collogue, how'd  you  get a collogue? Did he follow you home?" she asked me

"Uh...I'm...his roommate" I said for a lack of a better word. Nico walked toward the door, we're another scrawny blonde boy with a mean face was standing. I couldn't help but wonder if the entire police force here was blonde, including me, though I wouldn't consider myself the police force, Nico maybe, but not me. 

"Octavian" Nico stated, though it lacked any real kindness

"Now listen, it's a crime scene, I don't want it contaminated, Di Angelo" the scrawny blonde snapped, Nico simply rolled his eyes and walked into the building where the other blonde was waiting. We all walked to a table with hazmat suits, 

"You'll need to wear one of these" he stated, Nico put on a pair of gloves, while I changed into a hazmat suit. We started up the stairs after that, 

"Her names Drew Tanaka according to her credit cards, we're running them now" he explained. Nico entered the room, I followed. On the floor, there was a woman wearing mostly pink and orange laying face down on the wooden floor. She'd scratched 'S E L I N' into the wood with her nails. Nico walked over, and started inspecting the body while the blonde and I stood there awkwardly. Nico looked over the body for a moment, 

"Shut up" 

"I didn't say anything" Grace replied

"You were thinking, it's annoying" Nico replied before returning to looking over the body. 

"Well, got anything?" Grace asked, Nico gave him a cheeky smile that made my stomach flutter. 

"Not much" Nico said teasingly that only made the butterflies worse

"S E L I N, she could be trying to tell us-" Octavian stated from the doorway before Nico closed it in his face, 

"Yes, thank you for your impute" he said before pulling out his phone. 

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