Chapter 20.

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Kams pov:
Street and I said bye to everyone and headed home to our home and I couldn't be more excited to start the next chapter in our relationship. We reach the house and head inside and I told him since we are off the next week we have time to move his stuff in. Street seemed like he had something on his mind which I would doubt considering what he has been through "hey would you like to talk? If not that's fine we have all the time for that" I asked "there is something I want to tell you about that happened" he said with a confused look "what is it?" I questioned "so back at HQ when I went to talk to Chris she tried to kiss me and kinda confessed her feelings for me" he said and my heart dropped "oh umm did you kiss her?" I asked "can you come sit with me and talk please" he said I walked over to the couch and sat next to him "did you kiss her?" I asked again "no I didn't even give her the chance to kiss me kam I would never do that to you" he commented " do you have feelings for her?" I asked him as tears welled up in my eyes "no I swear to you kam you are it for me you are my person the one I can see forever with I want to marry you kam I love what we have I love that I can come to you tell you this without you yelling at me and blaming me I've never had that in a relationship you care about me" he said as a tear fell down his cheek I got up and got on my knees in front of him and held both of his hands in mine with tears in my eyes " I trust you I've never trusted any man the way I have you I love you Jim you are it for me I don't want anyone else so no I'm not going to yell at you about Chris confessing her feelings I've heard enough yelling and fighting in my life I don't want that for us at all I see our future it is so bright and clear for me you are my person and I don't plan on letting you go or ever giving up on you" I told him chunk comes in the living room and plops on the couch "oh yeah meet the newest edition chunk" I said laughing "omg he's the cutest" he said I felt it was time for us so I grabbed his hand and walked him into the bedroom and started kissing him his eyes were full of lust as were mine.

Streets pov:
Kam had walked me in the bedroom my hand in hers I sat down on the bed and we started making out her eyes were so full of lust I am so in love with this women omg she is perfect she starts to take my shirt off and we just slowly undressed each other I picked her up and laid her down on the bed " are you sure" I asked "I've never been more sure of anything" she said and pulled me closer to her and we made love it was the best moment ever.

Kams pov:
We made love for almost and hour it was the best i love this man now we are cuddling in bed together with chunk and watching a movie and eventually fell asleep. The next day I wake up and turn over but street isn't in the bed just chunk I tried calling him but no answer I texted a few times still no answer I get out of bed he's not in the house and I found his phone on the kitchen table where could he be. I heard someone at the front door and streets walks in I ran over to him and hug him "please don't scare me like that i thought you had left for good " I said "sorry I forgot my phone I called tan to come pick me up so he could help me move I didn't want to wake you up" he said "I'm sorry for freaking out just with everything that has happened" I said "I know I'm sorry I'll remember my phone next time" he said "you can put everything in the spare bedroom and we can go through it and organize later if you would like any furniture can go in the basement" I said he nodded his head and kissed my forehead and started bringing stuff in.

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