Chapter 22.

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The next week or so goes by without a word from my mother and we are officially back at work me and street just pulled up to HQ and walked in and headed to the locker room as we walk in everyone starts to greet us even Chris but it's whatever I'm gonna shake it off we got a call about a shooting and possibly bomb threat at a high school (tw school shooting) we hurry up and get geared up and head out to black Betty and hop in Chris sits next to street so I sit across from them Luca is still out hopefully he get better soon we all miss him. We arrive to the school and everyone hops out we can hear gun shots coming from inside so we set a plan and followed into the school my anxiety was kinda high I did not have a good feeling about today so we are walking through checking rooms getting kids out me, tan, and hondo head upstairs and Chris,street, and deacon stayed downstairs still trying to evacuate kids since the shooting is coming from upstairs. We reach the top and we start checking classrooms and the shots get closer i peak around the corner of the door frame three men and 10 kids "who's out there" one of the men yelled I stepped out putting my gun down "it's just me all I want is to get these kids out of here safely" I said in a calm tone "they aren't going anywhere and neither are you" they yelled "you can have me in place of these kids please just let them go I'm more valuable than them I can get you whatever you need these kids have done nothing to you" I said back "why should I trust you" he yelled back "how do you want me to prove it" I asked "unarm yourself all weapons and vest now" they said I looked to my left hondo is shaking his head at me "okay give me one second to do that" I said and stepped aside "this is the only way we can get these kids out I know you all will get me out" I said to hondo "okay I trust you" he said "tell street I love him" I said "your gonna make it out of this and you can tell him yourself" tan said to me I unarmed and took my vest off and stepped into the classroom "let them go now" I yelled "go on get out of here" the three men said to the kids "sit down" I sat down one of the tied my arms to the chair and same with my feet "what should we do with her?" One questioned "I have a few ideas" another answered "so why did you all decide to do this what happened to you all to make you all hate life this much" I asked "stfu and be quite" they yelled there was a tall man with black hair they called boss and the other two where short one of the short men came over to me and started touching me "stop" I yelled and the other two started touching me as well feeling up my shirt I just closed my eyes if I could get through this when I was young I can survive now the cut my shirt down the middle and started touching me more as tears ran down my cheeks "do you like that slut" one said "yeah do you like that" they breathed on me and they smelt of heavy alcohol.

Streets pov:
We finished getting taking the last group of kids out of the building and I see tan and hondo but not kam where is she I walked over to them and hondo looked at me with concerned eyes "where is she" I asked "she's inside we are trying to figure out how to get her out" hondo said "what do you mean get her out" I asked "she gave herself up to save 10 students in the classroom with the men" he said "what the hell why would you let her do that are you fucking crazy I have to go in" i yelled "calm down man calm down you freaking out isn't going to save her" hondo yelled we can still see her on her body cam and I can't watch it we finally have a plan to go in and get her.

Kams pov:
They continued to touch me "stop please stop" I yelled crying they hit me across the head with their gun and I blacked out.

Streets pov:
We need to get in there and head upstairs hondo throws in a smoke bomb and we head in we take the three guys down quickly thank god the room starts to clear and there's kam head dangling in the chair she's unconscious i untied her from the chair and picked her up and walked her out "someone help she needs help she's unconscious" I yelled with a crack in my voice her shirt was cut her chest was exposed look at these bruises the emt finally brings a gurney over and I lay her down I hop in the ambulance with her and head to the hospital she wakes up on our way there.

Kams pov:
I don't remember anything but when I woke up "no please stop" I screamed "hey babe it's just me it's street we are out you are safe" I opened my eyes to see street I hugged him so hard I couldn't help but start to sob in his shoulder I lay back down thinking about what happened before I blacked out and I wish I was blacked out for that part too there's no telling what they did to me after I was out we finally reach the hospital and get a rape kit done just in case which is the longest process but we did it and I'm so thankful I had street by my side the whole time I don't know if I could have survived without him there.

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