Chapter Fifteen: I Ain't Worried

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I Ain't Worried by One Republic
(^ Top Gun: Maverick, anyone?)


  When Ava woke up, it was to the sound of gravel crunching in the driveway under heavy tires. Immediately, she was wide awake. She knew what the twin's vehicles sounded like by now, and this wasn't it.

  Thankfully her rooftop bed was on the back of the house, not in direct view of the driveway. She slipped through her back window and crossed over to the one with a view of the front. A big, clean black GMC truck was parked directly in line with the front porch. She recognized the vehicle immediately, and her heartbeat slowed down a little. Everything was alright, now. Major Lennox had come home.

  She knew she didn't have to bother getting ready for school this morning. Mrs. Lennox liked to let Ava skip school when her husband was home. Something about bonding as a family or whatever. Ava just appreciated the excuse to stay home. She'd probably take Annie for a walk later, and allow the reunited couple their privacy. The twins could entertain themselves.

  Funny, she was actually glad Lennox was back. It had to be a first. It wasn't that she'd ever disliked the man or anything, but she always felt wary around males, especially in the past few years. The fact that he'd been the one to save her both from Mission City and the foster system meant a little, but not everything. Time was the only real thing she placed her trust in, and it had proven thus far that Lennox wasn't interested in her. The most they'd ever really talked had been last month, when Ava had been considering joining the service after she turned eighteen. He'd given her an honest opinion-- it was great, but it sucked-- and had suggested she think about the Air Force instead of the army, because it probably sucked less. After that fun little chat, she'd done a bit of research, and having a possible goal helped. If nothing else, maybe she'd at least learn to defend herself. Or get killed. Either would do. She didn't really have much of a preference, at this point.

  That conversation had somewhat eased the pressure on her mind, and since then, she'd been a little more charitable to her foster father in her thoughts. Now that the twins were here, and she'd learned just exactly how screwed she could be with no more backup than another woman and a child, it was kind of nice knowing there would be someone else in the house for a few days. Maybe she was still being stupid, but a little caution never hurt. Trust wasn't easily given, but there always came a point with her where she gave up caring and decided to just jump. Sometimes it turned out all right. Most times it didn't, but she was just stupid enough to keep trying.

  Ava threw on a comfortable pair of jeans and a moss green shirt, quickly twisting her hair into a low bun. She stashed a few of her favorite knives in her various hiding places -- including her bra-- and grabbed her phone. Unlocking the door, she slipped across the hall into the only upstairs guest bathroom, glad she made it in before the twins. Honestly, it's not like she'd ever seen them go in or anything, so obviously they didn't take long in there, but still. A girl's got to have her bathroom time.

  Not that she had much to do. She really just had to brush her teeth. She still hadn't had her coffee yet, but that would wait. As soon as she had breakfast and caffeine she was going hiking. One of the greatest parts about being surrounded by farmland and trees was the very real possibility of getting lost in the woods or shot as a trespasser. It kept it real.

  Her short-lived sense of adventure began to wither by the time she hit the bottom step. She could hear voices in the kitchen from her place in the hall. Multiple voices. As in, more than two, plus whatever the twins equaled in idiot math. Evidently, Lennox had come with an entourage.

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