Extra Chapter 10.5: The Robot Cleaning Mission

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3rd Pov

Affimojas: " All right Our Lord sleeping nicely has been confirmed "

He say as he look at Issei sleeping while hugging Y/n

Steamax: " So we are really doing this are we Brother!? "

Affimojas: "That's right we will be doing it tonight for we shall be! "

Scene Change to Y/n House

Affimojas: " We shall be the Cleaning Master! "

Steamax: " Roger that! "

They both have planned to clean the house of their Lord and Creator

As the house may look really fine on the outside but on the inside of the house...

Affimojas: " All right so have we prepared all the needed equipment? "

Steamax: " Yes I have bought all the necessary equipment for us to go on the war today sir! "

And behind them, there was a pile of cleaning products And a lot and Lots of Trash bags

Affimojas: " Well then it is time! "

He open the door to inside the house and was greeted by a really unsettling and rotting smell that would make most normal living things run away from or start vomiting

But well the two robots are fine with after they don't have a sense of smell probably

But they are still horrified by what they see, since the time they gain awareness

The two bots then enter and now they have seen what to be taken care of first...

The dining table with eight chairs placed around it

There was a pile and pile of food stacked on top of each other and some of the food had fallen to the ground with broken pieces of plates around them, and some fell onto the chair

And all of those food are all spoiled and rotten and there are Maggots on them too

Flys are everywhere

Ants are almost covering the whole floor with black and red with their color

Rats are also seen running around on the floor eating ants and also being eaten by the ants, and cockroaches dancing around

And then... There is also the kitchen

Well... The kitchen was not that dirty just full of rats and a few other pests, and some dried-up blood

Affimojas: " All right let's start with cleaning this place first!

Steamax: " Yes sir!

Affimojas: " Now bring me the Absolute Insect exterminator! "

Steamax: " Yes sir! "

And so Steamax take ten bottles of Insect Exterminator and gave them to Affimojas

Who then insect the bottle and put it inside his sword

The sword releases a gas

Affimojas: " All right time for ya bastard to get out of this house! "

He then swing his sword around hitting the flys who inhaled the toxic gas

And also sweeping the floor of the Rats

Steamax: " Then I shall clean the guest room! "

And so he went to the guest room which is not as worse as the dining room he thought

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