The Founding: Chapter 1

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Khiron was in a bit of a situation. He had received a summons from Olypus. Why was this a problem you ask? He hadn't been summoned to Olypus in over a Millennium, and he worried something was amiss.

As he thought to himself, his eyes couldn't help but stray to a window. Outside he saw they rolling hills and strawberry fields of the camp. It was beautiful, and he knew it was supposed to be a safe place. He also knew that if he looked a few meters to his left he could see the five or more reconstruction projects they were working on. They had just about settled back into a routine but it seemed the Fates had a different idea. He tore his eyes away and looked at his clock, it was time to


The Throne Room of Olympus was a sight to behold. With its ivory walls and gold detailing it gleamed as bright as the sun. Which was appropriately ironic considering the sun god was sitting in said room. Zues pounded his lightning bolt on the floor to call for order. As he did so the other gods either teleported in or started focusing.

"You may come." Zues's voice was thunderous and deep, it shook me to my core. With the King Gods permission, a figure materialised in the Throne Room. It was Hekate, Titaness of Choices and Magic.

She turned and addressed the gods in that silky tone of hers, "My Lords and Ladies, I have a propersition..."

Zues gestured for her to continue, and she did.
"I'm sure your aware of my little pet-projects," The Gods of course nodded along, "I have let them roam Europe these past Centuries and I'm afraid there's an issue, specifically with the Wixen of the British Isles."

Athena then stood from her Throne and turned to Zues, "Permission to speak My Lord?"

Zues nodded and gestured for her to talk. The Godess turned her attention back on Hekate,

"While I realise that these- Wixen as you call them, maybe important to you, I don't belive this is an issue that needs to be brought to the attention of the Council."

There were a few murmers of agreement which were abrubtly shut down with a warning look from Zues, everyone knew he had a temper and no one wanted to be at the end of it. Having said her piece, Athen sat down.

Hekate however wasn't cowed at all, she just continued talking, "Yes, well,while it may seem that way, it seems we do not have the full picture. It has, my attention that there's a new Dark Lord on the rise. He seems to be just as bad as Grindleward,"

At this Zues frowned, they didn't talk about Grindleward, that was an unspoken rule, yet Hekate continued,

"He goes by the name of Voldemort. He claims immortality, and I fear his words have some truth to them. He has fractured his soul and place the parts into several objects. Unless said objects are completely destroyed, hell never die."


Then there were voices.

"He is dangerous!"

"it is not our business!"

"Let them die, feel the consequences of their actions!"

Arguments were being flung left and right. Ares was fighting with Athena. Hestia was trying to calm everyone down. Dionysus was drinking per usual. Hera was sitting still, she looked bored. Zues was observing this all go down. Until he got tires of the noise that is,

"SILENCE." His voice was loud and reverberated on the walls of the large room, he turned his attention back to Hekate, "How exactly do you propose we deal with this issue then?"

As he asked the question, Hekate smiled, "Well..."


Khiron was pacing (or rolling take your pick). The Demigods had just left the big house and they were not happy. He wouldn't be either. He'd just broke the news to them that they had another quest, not even a year after the next one. Hekate would be arriving in a day or so to start on the 'Training'.

Now he had a meeting with Mimir, Lupa and Amos to discuss how they were going to structure this, Academy. Hekate had already laid the groundwork. With the Sectors, Uniforms, Colours etc. But as the so-called Heads of each Sector they had to be co-ordinated.

They'd been given their titles, with 'The Pantheon Academy' supposedly being a school for the Nobility it was expected. He was to be called 'Lord Khiron' apparently. It was all quite complicated and they had to get it done in so little time aswell. He looked out the window to see that Lupa, pardon, Lady Lupa and her dogs had arrived. He let out a sigh and prepared himself for the storm to come.

I'm currently writing the next three chapters because this morning I couldn't sleep and instead started planning chapters 🙃

Stay tuned for then next update which will probably be in the next few days since I'm trying to make my chapters slightly longer.

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