chapter 11

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-Sung hanbin's pov-

"So hanbinie hyung what do want to talk about?" Matthew said as he smile at at

That smile how can i ruin it?

" don't have to wait for me" i said

"Why? Did you started to like me too hyung??" He asked as he poke my cheek

I hang my head low as my i sign

"Seokmae.....sorry....i tried to like you but i can't" i said which made him stiff "I only see you as a friend and a little brother" i added

"Hyung....." he mumble as his tears started to fall down "you like hao hyung don't you?" He said as he look at me directly in the eye

"Yes...sorry matthew,i can't force my self to like someone i don't" i said "im really sorry" i said

He smiled at me and wipe his tears "thankyou for being honest hyung" he said as he walk out

-Zhanghao's pov-

"So tell me what's the problem" i said as i put my hands on my hips and look at ricky seriously

"I like taerae" he said as he blush

"I know" i replied "tell me the things that i don't know" i said as i sat beside him

"When we were together he keeps talking about junhyeon here and there,and then the last time we hangout in the bar he got waisted and i decided to take him home,you know that" he said as he look like he was about to cry

"Yeahh that day was kuanjui's birthday , i remember" i said

"He kissed me and i kissed him back but he mumbled junhyeon's name" he said as the tears starting to fall down "kissing me and calling someone's name hurt hao" he mumbled

"You should talk to him about that" i said as i frown

"He doesn't even remember when he wokes up" he said

"That's why you are ignoring him lately,and i noticed that he hangout with kuanjui often" i said as i nod

"He didn't even noticed that i was ignoring him because all of his attention was focus in someone" he said,i patted ricky's shoulder

"Im sorry,i didn't know you are suffering but try go talk to him" i said as i smiled at him

-kuanjui's pov-

"No need to hide it, you like ricky,he i thought you and junhyun are dating"  i said as i glare at him

"junhyeon rejected me last month,i didn't for how long but recently i realized that i like ricky so much" he confess

"Maybe you like him long time ago,it just that you didn't realized it sooner,i noticed it yesterday and i know hao noticed it to" i said as i drink my coffee

"That's what i think too" he said "you know ricky has been ignoring me after your birthday, and He started to talk to me this week" he said as he face palm "Its hurt when he ignore me and talk oy to gyuvin" he added

"You also keep talking to junhyun" i said

"No i didn't" he protest

"You two are idiot talk things out fashion taeraerist" i said as i patted him

"I will" he said as he smile

-Seok Matthew's pov-

"Seokmae why are you crying?" Jiwoong asked when he saw me

"Jiwoon hyung" i mumble as i walk closer to him and hug him

I cry even harder when he hug me back and patted my shoulder for comfort.

"Shhhhh...its gonna be alright....everything will be fine seokmae...." he whisper

"Jiwoon hyung.....what should i do??" I mumble again as i was crying in his arms

"Seokmae....don't here.....what's wrong tell me" he said

I told him what happened earlier as he hug me tight

"Its gonna be alright seokmae" he said as he kiss my forehead

After a while we decided to do our thesis project,heart broken can't stop me from doing my activities , i have a responsibilities too

"Seokmae if you are sleepy go to sleep first" jiwoong said as he looks at me

"How about you?? your sleepy too" i said as i laugh at him yawning

"Should we sleep first and continue it tomorrow since we don't have a class?" He asked

"Ofcourse we should" i said as i stood up and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth same goes for hyung

After we brush our teeth,i decided to grab a water because im thirsty after that i walk to bed and lay down and hyung followed after before i drove off to sleep i heard jiwoong hyung mumbled something but i didn't understand

"If only im the one you like "

-zhanghao's pov-

"How does it go?" I asked hanbin worriedly

"Matthew is crying im kinda guilty,he thanks me for being honest" he said as a frown visible on his face

I didn't say a word and i just hug hanbin who are guilty for rejecting his friend.

Ofcourse im guilty too,how can we hurt someone so precious.

Sorry matthew....

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