Prologue + Chapter 1

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(for when I get around to it)


(Opens with Bounty Hunter shack at night)

(mysterious man approaches the sheriff-looking dude)

Randall: "Hello sir! Welcome to Randall and associates!"

Stranger: "I'm here to request a bounty"

Randall: "Of course, who's the unlucky bastard?"

Stranger: "There's a vault, on the west edge of the Mojave, Vault number-"

Randall: "33?"

Stranger: "Oh, so others have already mentioned it?"

Randall: "Some of my best bounty hunters ventured into that vault hoping to get some pre-war riches, and all who gone over there haven't been back since."

"So either they made off with a fortune, or just died."

" Most likely just died."

Stranger: "Well my business isn't seeking fortune, but hoping for someone to give whatever, or whoever, that's in charge of that vault my regards."

"My brother was killed attempting the same as your previous bounty hunters, and was dealt the same fate."

Randall: (Looks seriously at the stranger)

Randall: "You know, this job will be probably one of the deadliest I've ever given..."

"Well, that's fantastic! Now, unfortunately, revenge killings can run you a little extra, but come with available discounts for personalized last remarks and even some weapon of choice options-"

Stranger: "Sir, I would just like to place the bounty and leave it at that."

(Drops bag of caps onto the table)

Randall: (Begins typing at the typewriter) "Sure thing! I'll get the word out to my bounty hunters, Thank you for choosing Randall and associates!"

(Waves out stranger)

Stranger: (walks out)



(Albert and crew are seen driving around in Fallout: Tactics inspired open top hummer)

(Drives up to bounty hunter shack, sends sand/dust everywhere)

(Albert and crew emerge from the dust)

(Albert Chester Breach is a bounty hunter with reddish brown hair, a handlebar mustache, and a stylish duster with his signature aviator sunglasses. )

(Albert is accompanied by a rad roach named Steve, a death claw with a tophat named Mister CuddlesWorth, a lifelike android named Janet, a protectron named Captain Ballarms, and a Ghoul with sunglasses and signature blue glove named Jerry Mcghoulberry)

(Albert opens the door to the shack and dust pours in)

Randall: "Oh lord, HEY! Tell your buddies to wait outside, it ain't that roomy in here!"

Randall: "At least keep the death claw outside! Not even sure if that thing is trained!"

Albert: "Who, Cuddles?"

Randall: " *sigh* Well, who's the poor soul to be exchanged for caps?"

Albert: "Well, I was never the best with remembering names, but this was the guy causing trouble over in the westside, the locals don't have to worry about him anymore. "

(Holds a severed white finger)

Randall: "I'm pretty sure the individual was black...not white."

Albert: "Oh, well, uh, "

(Throws white finger aside and looks around, locking eyes with a severed black finger in Cuddles Worth's teeth and picks it out)

Albert: "As I was saying, don't worry about him."

(Albert tosses finger on the table)

(Randall tosses Albert a small bag of caps)

Randall: "Yeah, well here's his price, now be on your way-"

Albert:" Hey Randy, I hate to ask for another job so soon, but that last job may have brought along a little too many...expensive loose ends with it..."

"And I'll make sure the extra caps go towards building back up your reputation too..."

Randall: "What the hell do you mea- HEY!"

(Randall points to his badge on Albert's duster)


(Randall rips the badge off of Albert's duster)

Albert: "I was just trying to spread the business around a little!"

Randall: "(internal) Damn this fool, if he keeps sticking around, my business will suffer. If only... "

(Randall looks surprised)

Randall: "You know, you're right. You risk your neck for his business and I barely show any appreciation."

"Well, I have this special job that I'd only ever let you get part in, you up for it?"

Albert: "I knew you'd come around, Randy...What's the job?"

(Albert looks determined)

(Albert and crew driving around the desert)

(They Approach the Vault)

(See a bunch of dead enclave and other misc raiders)

Albert: "This looks like the place!"

(Albert approaches the entrance, and immediately steps over laser beam which engages defenses)

(Turrets start firing at the group)

(Albert dodges the bullets in a cartoony fashion, engaging VATS to fire a single bullet into the turret's barrel, destroying it.)

(Janet and Cuddles take out two more turrets that appear)

(Jerry bends the barrel of one onto itself next to him, destroying it)

Albert: "Alright, I think that's the last of em"

(Albert trips another laser, showing the crew being surrounded by more turrets)

(A mysterious man is seen observing them through a camera)

Man: "They managed to make it farther than the others, but that's as far as they go."

"This vault was made to resist weapons of mass destruction, and has proven impenetrable for any ordinary outside soldier or raider, there is no chance in hell they make it farther than this.

"Those defenses were redundant in the first place...No need to worry."

Albert: "Well, hard parts over!"

Man: "Heh, this fool"

(Albert pulls a lever on the control panel next to the vault walkway, opens cover for button)

(Albert presses the button dramatically)

Albert: "open sesame!"

(Vault begins to open)

(The gang is seen walking in on the man's monitor)

(Man stares blankly, in disbelief)


Albert Chester Breach and the Destitute DwellerWhere stories live. Discover now