Chapter 8 + 9

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(Noah is seen with the overseer in his office)

Overseer: "We were not expecting you to find all of this out so soon-"

(Noah is seen restless)

Noah: "Are you real?"

(The overseer looks hesitant and stays silent)

(Noah looks solemn)

Noah: "Is my family real?"

"My mother...?"

(The overseer remains hesitant and silent)

(Noah remains solemn)

Overseer: "I understand this might come as a shock to you, but this all has a purpose"

Noah: "Is there anyone real in this vault?"

"Is there anyone real AT ALL ANYMORE?"

Overseer: "Yes, there is."

(Noah listens intensely)

Overseer: "But, they aren't set to arrive for quite a while from now"

(Noah looks agitated)

Noah: "What?"

"Where are they, WHO are they?"

Overseer: "The Enclave,"

"You're an excellent student, you've learned about them in your studies"

"This has all been a part of their overall plan"

"They have massive plans that are going to save everyone-"

(Noah jumps out of his chair)

Noah: "How could they do this to me!"

"Everyone I know is a lie, how do you expect me to believe you or ANYONE that would put me through all this!"

(The overseer starts to become tense)

Noah: "I don't care WHAT their plans are!"


(Noah is seen enraged)

(The overseer's eyes begin to flicker)

(The overseer's eyes become dark)

Noah: "You dumb bucket of bolts!"


(The room suddenly goes dark as the screens behind the overseer's desk light up and illuminate the room)

(A video of a man in uniform begins to play)

Man: "Noah."

"This recording is only set to play as a last resort"

"Please, listen carefully"

(Noah is seen listening, still agitated)

Man: "You are the major part of an experiment that would assure the success of our great nation in the future"

"Or at least the future as of this recording, god knows how long it has been since we're recording this, decades, centuries?"

"Hell, how do we know if this recording will be seen at all?"

"You know what, I'm rambling, cut the past minute of this segment please"

(Noah is seen confused, yet still very agitated)

Man: "This experiment has been to test how well a human is able to live amongst synthetic human robots, this information has the potential to become very vital to our great nation, if it is conducted properly"

Albert Chester Breach and the Destitute DwellerWhere stories live. Discover now