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Katie's POV

" so what are you're plans for today" Ethan said

"Nothing.. Why ?" I said

"Oh nothing wanna hang today?" He replied

"Um sure.." I said

"Yey Yey!!" He said

The I walked away at sat down on the couch... Until I heard Ethan yell my name

I ran upstairs to where he was and his arm was bleeding.. All over the bathroom floor..
"Omg wtf happened to u ..."

Ethan's POV

I went to hop in the shower when I opened the closet door in the bathroom to get a towel a person jumped on top of me and had a mask on but they said

"Back off of Katie or I will kill u then I will kill her " the person said

"Yeah like I would leave Katie again.. U won't do anything" I replied

"Like fucking hell I won't " they said and cut me with a sword then I screamed Katie's name

"Katie!!!!" I shouted
Then the man left and Katie came in and said
"Omg wtf happened to u " then I explained and she just gave me a big hug and then wrapped my arm in bandages...

Later that day

"I'm hungry..." I shouted

"Ha me too.." Katie said

"Haha lets go to the pizza polar right down the street " I said

"Ok!" She said

The we went and got our selfs some pizza I got cheese with peperione and Katie got broklie on hers

"You know pizza is fat food so why have heathy on it" I said
( no offense to people who get that on there pizza becuase I do too so.. Twinss)

"Idk..." She replied

She was stretching when her shirt sleeves slipped down her arm revealing things on her wrist they must have been cuts or something

"Hey Katie.." I said shaky

"Yeah what's up Ethan?" She said

"I have a question.." I said

"Sure what is it"

"Did me and gray make u do anything to your self ?"

"N- no" she said stuttering and lying

"Oh oh ok.." I replied

Then I paid and we went back to watch a nother movie

\\Sorry it's so short it's 11:30 and i am graduating going into 7th suppose to be 8th😂 13 but whateva and I have a dance and I had to do my hair and get my dress uh I hate school hahaha but if I don't post tommorw I will post 2 times in wensday samie//

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