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I sit there silent trying to take all of this in. I couldn't believe my ears what he was saying I was petrified of what he said was it a lie was it a joke?!

"What" I say hearing my voice shake

"I know it's a lot to take in I'm so sorry" he says going to grab my hand but I snatch it out of his grasp and motion my hand to just drive.

"Don't hate me" he says with tears forming in the corner of his eyes but continuing to focus on the road


"I have to tell you something" he says and sounds broken

"What is it?" I ask eager to find out

"This was all planed out, and I - I helped him plan it" he says

"Ok.." Wow that's great information to know Ethan ..

"That's not it" he starts and I just grasp onto the seat and snap my head towards him

" the plan was that he Raped you and then murdered you. Then that's where I came in, I was suppose to dispose your body, the real question here now is 'why would u wanna do that' the answer is I didn't he blackmailed me and I couldn't get out of it. So he told me to come at a certain time to get your corpse and when I got their you were still alive so I went and saved you I didn't even care anymore I just wanted you to be alive you don't even know how happy it made me that you were still alive I was so fucking happy you don't even know" he says running his hands through his hair.

"What was he blackmailing you with" I ask blankly I have not emotions right now I'm numb.

"Um..nothing" he says and looks away what the heel was the blackmail!

"Ethan tell me" I say to him glaring hard core at him

"Ok so Grayson has been taking drugs recently and they have changed him.. So I was going to tell on him but he said if I did he would tell everyone that I gave him the drugs and it would be this big mess.. And then back when we were younger.. Do u remember Jane ? Yeah so um Grayson was taking steroids and he lost control and he killed her, so I - I had to dispose of her body so he said he would tell everyone that I did all of it!" He says on the verge of crying I just sat there dumbfounded


Ok so I'm going to like try to wrap this book up soon😂 cause I wanna get it done with because I wanna start a new story cause I have like 5 I need to start on😬 but yeah. I hope you all like the reason. I'm going to be updating all day trying to finish the book.

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