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Katie's P.O.V

He throws me onto the rusted bed that was sitting in the dark dimmed room maybe a basement.?

I know Grayson can be a scary person and he might have secrets and stuff but this is too far this must be a joke or something hahah you got me now let me leave like what do you want from me?

I look up petrified and I see Grayson wearing big brown bulky boot's, navy blue ripped up jeans, white shirt with a red flannel on top of it and his hair slicked back except for one strand that is laying on his forehead.. before I want to start screaming for help I let his features sink in and I just admire the light reflecting on him with the dust floating around the room.

"what do you want with me.?" I cry out

"I want you to myself" he said with pure focus... I mean is this guy CRAZY?! like what person in their right mind would 'kidnap' someone you know and 'love'..

".uh... WHAT?" I yelled at him, he already had me we are dating so what does he mean...

"care to explain .." I said getting up and walking towards him now I know... Katie not a good idea he brought you here and has hurt you before sit your little flat ass back down.. but I feel that I can talk to him that's one good thing I can calm him down I just need to get him to trust me.

"Grayson" I said sorrowfully putting my hand on his shoulder even tho I'm shorter than him so it looks weird and its kind of uncomfortable I have to make him less tense.

"what Katie?" he said with pure attitude who does he think he is he's mad HE'S MAD! don't work yourself up Katie you don't want to blow up your only chance, don't be stupid..

"what's wrong" I said rubbing his back in a circular motion praying he will not flip on me

"things Katie It I don't deserve you, you are an amazing person and you deserve better.." he said emotionless. ok ima leave now like.. you said you don't deserve me so umm ima leave nice knowing ya..

"oh." Is all I let out I didn't know what else to say Grayson just started twirling his fingers staring at them

// so im going to be making longer chapters so yeahhh//

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