Chaotic life

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In the midst of chaos, a life spins wild,
Where uncertainty reigns, and calm is exiled.
A maelstrom of emotions, a tempest untamed,
A life in turmoil, with peace unclaimed.

The frenzied pace leaves no room to breathe,
As the mind races, and the heart heaves.
The world spins faster, with each passing day,
And amidst the chaos, one can lose their way.

But in the midst of turmoil, there's a chance to find,
A strength that's hidden, in the recesses of the mind.
For amidst the chaos, there's room for growth,
And lessons to learn, that can help us both.

Through the tumultuous times, we can find peace,
By embracing the chaos and letting it release.
For when we let go of control and surrender,
We find a sense of calm, like a peaceful splendor.

So let the chaos swirl and spin around,
For within it, new beginnings can be found.
Embrace the uncertainty with an open heart,
And find a new path to make a fresh start.

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