Social bullying

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Bullying, a cruel and vicious game,
Where hearts and souls are set aflame.
With words like swords, they strike and wound,
Leaving scars that never fully unbound.

Oh, social bullying, a dark abyss,
A place where kindness is dismissed.
With malice and spite, they tear apart,
The very fabric of a tender heart.

From cyber taunts to harsh critiques,
Social bullying preys on the meek.
It seeks to dominate and control,
Leaving victims feeling lost and whole.

So let us stand against this evil tide,
And never let the bullies' hate subside.
For in our kindness, we can make a change,
And turn this world into one less strange.

Let's spread compassion like a warm embrace,
And fill the world with love's enchanting grace.
For in our unity, we'll find the key,
To end social bullying and set hearts free.

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