My balcony

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From my balcony, a vista unfolds,
Where beauty and wonder effortlessly molds.
A tapestry of scenes, both near and far,
A captivating view, beneath the stars.

The city's lights, like jewels in the night,
Sparkling and shimmering, a dazzling sight.
Skyscrapers reaching for the moon above,
A testament to dreams and human love.

Gentle moonlight bathes the world below,
Casting a magical, ethereal glow.
Stars twinkle, painting the darkened sky,
Guiding lost souls as they wander by.

Nature's symphony softly serenades,
Leaves rustle in the wind like cascading shades.
Birds sing their songs, a chorus so sweet,
Their melodies echoing through the street.

From my balcony, I witness it all,
The grandeur of life, both big and small.
A front-row seat to nature's grand display,
Where dreams are born and memories stay.

So let me cherish this enchanting view,
Embracing moments that are forever true.
Through my balcony, the world comes alive,
A place where beauty and wonder survive.

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