There alive!

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So I know that ezra's parents died, but let's just maby pretend they dident....but he doesn't know and still thinks there dead. Set during season 2

" Hey! Glad to have your back kid!" Zeb Said

He was about to ingolf his little brother in a hug but then he saw tears stream down his face

" ez? What's wrong?" Sabine asked

Ezra looked up at his crew and lost it

" my parents are dead because of me!" He screamed

What ? Leia wondered as she Watched from a distance

" ezra none of this is your falt" hera told him

Sabine grabbed his waist and pulled him into a imbrace. The rest of the crew piled in behind her.
Hugging ezra and telling him every thing was going to be alright

Then they finally separated

" do you want to talk about it?" Hera asked in a motherly voice

Ezra shook his head

" Okey love, do you need anything ? Food?" Sabine asked

" that would be nice" He told her softly

The artist nugged zeb in the stomach

" right, I'll go get you somthing to eat" zeb said and exited the cockpit

" I'm going to go" ezra said

Sabine and hera exchanged looks

I got this Sabine mouthed to hera

The twielk nodded and left

Ezra started to walk away but sabine stopped him and grabbed his black cadet glove

He looked at her with tear brimmed eyes " ez, if you need to let somthing of your chest you can tell me okey?" She told him

He nodded and imbraced her suddenly

He started to cry harder

She placed a kiss to his forhead and whispered to him quietly

" it's Okay sweetheart, I'm so sorry you lost your parents if I could I would bring them back " She told him

He finally broke the imbrace

" thank you' bine" He said softly and smile tugged at his lips

" anytime 'ez" She told him

He smiled and made his way to the gun torrent

Sabine started her walk to her room but she saw the princess enter the torrent

She frowned and followed her

" oh ezzy! I'm so sorry!" Leia said fakly

Sabine rolled her eyes

" thanks Leia" ezra said, though he was quite annoyed with this princess

" anyway, we should hang out sometime! My daddy ownes a big castle and we could go to it!" She said

Ezra frowned and stood from his seat " no thanks Leia good bye now" He said And made his way to the exit

Sabine smiled beat her up ez! She thought

Leia put a hand on the exit " your not going anywere " She said

Ezra then spotted Sabine on the other side of the door she was waving at him

Ezra grinned and wanted to roll his eyes just when I need her she's always there he thought

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