It's summer! Woo!

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"Kel! Look where youre going!" Aubrey said to Kel, who stook his tongue out at her and was carrying a bunch of wood planks Hero had bought

You laughed a bit and walked towards him
"Need help?" You asked

"Heh, im the manliest man to ever man, like Id ever need he-" Kel started to say, but almost tripped over because of a rock "I guess a little help would do no wrong"

You nodded and took half of the planks from him, setting them next to a tree

You glared at the tree with your hands in your hips

"You know, im kinda regretting having the idea of making a treehouse, laziness is taking control" You stated

"Well im not lazy, im tired of Kel being the big dumbass he is" Aubrey said and Kel and her stook their tongues out at each other

Mari arrived with a box, making Kel end the discussion

"Orange Joe?!" Kel asked with an excited look on his face
"No, its not Orange Joe" Mari answered with a chuckle

"Nevermind then" Kel turned around to keep discussing with Aubrey
"Its ice cream though" Mari said, making all of you look at her

She handed over the ice cream and you all started eating your ice creams, resting a bit after having to carry the wood planks under the tree

A few minutes later, Kel was the first one to finish his ice cream and so he stood up and picked a wood plank

"So how do I do this?" He asked as he pressed the wood plank against the tree, trying to see if it fit in any way

"We need nails, they're over there" Basil answered and pointed at a box full of nails, that had a hammer next to it

Kel grabbed the hammer and some nails, trying to start buildng the tree house's stairs

After a while, the rest of you finished eating your ice creams and Hero went over to help Kel to make sure he didnt break anything

"Aaand, done!" Mari exclaimed as she put her hands on her hips, looking at the tree "The stairs are finished"

"Just the stairs??" Kel asked, he clearly thought building the tree house was gonna be easy work

"The more you complain, the longer it'll take" Sunny added, with his monotone voice


"C'mon, it's almost done..." Aubrey said, struggling to fit a wood plank between to other planks "Finally!"

The treehouse was finally finished, after 3 days
You expected it to take longer to finish, but you were happy it didn't take as long

"Yess!!" Kel spouted as he climbed up the stairs to the treehouse quickly

"Hey, be careful!" Aubrey shouted at him, as Kel almost pushed her off since she was already up

You all went up by turns, Sunny being the last one

As Basil helped Sunny up, you sat down on the floor and looked around, admiring the result of the hard work you all had done

"We should really have a sleepover here" Basil suggested, while Sunny had finally gotten up

"Yeah! I'd bring the snacks!" Aubrey answered to his idea

"Sure, im up for it" Mari added to the conversation "What about this wednesday?"

Wednesday was in 3 days

"Sounds cool!" You said "Do we just get here at any hour or...?"

"Our parents aren't home, you guys can come over whenever you want" Mari answered to your question

"Great!" You said

After a bit of chatting and playing, all of you (except Sunny and Mari, since they lived there) left to your houses

You took very few time to get home since you lived near

You arrived and closed the door behind you slowly

After looking around for your mom, you remembered she was probably busy at work, so you went straight to your room and just used your phone

You fell asleep after a while, without brushing your teeth or putting your pajamas on


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