cozy fluffy human

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(MCs: Elena and Cody White, occult members)

Elena and Cody were sitting on their porch in the dim light of dusk. The fog of the night surrounded their house and made the forest hard to see, but Elena saw a small light and decided to check it out.

Cody wanted to stay behind. He didn't want her to get lost in the fog, so he gave her a lantern, and he'd call out to her if she got lost.

Elena took the lantern and journeyed through the fog. But the fog wasn't just getting thicker... it was getting darker. She assumed the light was from something burning, but the closer she got, the more she could hear. She knew there was a town this way, so she just assumed that a house was burning.

But she started hearing voices. Not from the village ahead, but from behind her, and to her sides, and all around. They told her to stay in the fog.

When she asked where they were, they got confused. "Can't you see me? Keep going."

Her head became light. She dropped her lantern and the candle went out. The light from the village shone brighter. She kept going, although she couldn't see ahead of her, and she couldn't breathe.

When she got there, what she saw surprised her, but didn't phase her considering what she did last night, sewing skin onto Michael Jackson's "dead" body.

A giant bonfire. And at the top, where the fire hadn't gone yet, was a man tied to a chair, screaming for his life.

"That's me," the voice said.

She had trouble remembering anything. I have to go home to my brother. I have a brother? Where's my house?

Who am I?

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