Chapter 3: Elkren, threads of reality.

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A lifetime ago, out in the wasteland. The elkren were enslaved across the lands. Elkren possess a 'locking item'. An item that enhances their power, allowing almost total manipulation. However there is a con, if someone is to obtain an elkren's locking item. Then the elkren is forced to do as the possessor says. Once this was discovered, many Voridians chose to flee out to the wasteland and obtain as many locking items as possible to ensure they had an array of elkren slaves. One elkren, named Ostarno, after the great city made a change. Ostarno, the one of shadows. was bound to the floor, taunted endlessly by his possessor. His locking item? a golden, smoking pipe, looking like a large spark plug. His possessor made a mistake, he'd often taunt the elkren. One day while waving the pipe in Ostarno's face, he moved his hand just that little bit too close. Allowing Ostarno to temporarily resist the power of the locking item. He'd lean forward and snap his jaws over the possessors wrist, forcing him to drop the only thing keeping him in power.

Over time, Ostarno freed as many elkren as he could. His gold pipe served to smoke the shadowy dust that formed from his power. But it also served as a hilt of a weapon, for when Ostarno wished to attack. He'd inhale through the pipe and exhale the dust. swiping the pipe through the mist. As if being called back to the pipe the dust would follow. creating a solid form, like malleable obsidian. In the night when he was strongest. The crack of a shadowy whip would echo across the wasteland. Blade's clashing against stone. Slowly lights would clash out into the wasteland as elkren were freed.

Although there was one elkren, who was completely unaware of the situation. Sitting in a forest of kestern spikes. He rested by a copper lit fire, admiring the green flame before blowing into the air. The flame turning purple as his mood changed. Suddenly he stared into the sky. The flame extinguishing as he tried to hide. All this was happening from his thoughts, his emotions. Totti, before giving himself the name 'Totti' was known as 'he of reality' for his elkren thread was the one found in the fabric of reality. Being 'He of reality', Totti could perceive things others couldn't "Correct mysterious text person." He'd randomly blurt out, evidently aware of his situatio- " ' his situation ' I know all. Such is life." He'd rudely interrupt, awareness fading back to his own world, and not ours.

Totti would stare off into the abyss, the campfire lighting once more. Then as he heard the faint crack of a whip in the distance, the kest crystal spikes around him would suddenly light up, bright, glowing and powerful. He'd wander out to a nearby cliff. Watching lights snuff out across the wasteland night. Seeing elkren dash out into the abyss. He wanted to know where they were going. He'd close his eyes and when he opened them, he had been teleported to a cave. Some elkren were already there. So many more rapidly approaching. Each one rejoiced to be reunited with friends and family. Totti seemingly clueless as to what had happened. "What's the meaning of this. Why's everyone upset?" He spoke in a confused manner.

"We're not upset Tots...we're free." Charon would chirp out. As she hugged her brother, Axtra. "Free?.. your charms. All of you had your charms stolen?" He'd ask. Getting a silent, nod in return. "Who else...wasn't affected." He'd ask.
"I only onow about yourself, Altrix, Hystrix and Lumar." Axtra would chime in. The firey Elkren calming his emotions as he settled. Out of the thousand odd Elkren, only a potential four were never enslaved. Reality, fate, innovation and light. There was likely more.

Soon, with the cave glowing a bright variety of colours. A final, deafening crack of a whip would echo into the night. Three more elkren showing up. Then darkness enveloping the wasteland, like blade, thrust into a heart. The darkness would soon close into one place. A form appearing, a pointed mask. Ostarno, he of shadows. "Is everyone okay?" He'd ask as he reached into his cloak, throwing it open as thousands of locking items poured out of the void. Everyone quickly grabbing their own and passing others to them. "Elkren!" The husky voice would call out. "You are free once more.!" A cheer would echo. Light pouring out of the cave.

"Ostarno, there's a problem." Totti would speak up. Getting a stare in return. He was often viewed as immature, or crazy. Being able to perceive reality's truth was expected to do that. But it was clear that his mind was sharp for now. "The city to which you share your name. They don't know that you were all enslaved. I didn't even know. I'm willing to bet Hystrix didn't know to-" He'd freeze. His glare wandering into the distance. "Someone's just been banished. There's someone in the wasteland. A primal roar, arachinol scuttling through the soil. Something big has happened." He'd warn. For once he was being taken seriously. Arachinol were no laughing matter. For they, more than any other. Craved the power of an Elkren.

Ostarno would inhale through his pipe, blowing out a cloud of black dust. The dust slowly gliding towards his back, forming wings. "Let's go see, a quick fly over?" He'd ask. Perhaps his voice was so husky from the shadowy dust. "We can check on Altrix too. His library may be of use." The library of fate was a myth to most. For you needed an Elkren to even find it. A mighty spire deep in the wasteland was in the way. Its Ivory walls shone bright in the night of an eternal blight.

The tower was known as "the ivory spire" by many. Its design and enhancements making it the best defended building in all of Voridam, a gateway for the library and a place of worship for the Elkren. Altrix could write and record fate. But never change it. Elkren would come to him to ask what awaited them in life. But even he did not foretell the mass enslavery. It was genius. Using one elkren to enslave another. Something even an entity such as he or Totti couldn't think of Voridians doing.

The wasteland had no laws, only rules. Don't touch the kest, and don't trespass. This allowed such a mass instance of enslavement without trouble. Which was ended just as quickly as it was started.

As the elkren left the cave. Many formed wings and took off. Some forming items to fly upon. Many simply dashed across the wasteland. Two stood out. Totti, he of reality, and one of the many unnamed, she of sprite. Both of them lept into the air. Upon reaching the zenith of their jump, a powerful pulse sound echoed out as they propelled themselves upwards. A beautiful chain of electricity and a chain of grey light would dance upwards. Towards the cracked green moon. It's light poisonous to many. But not the elkren.

As the two crashed upon the moon, looking up to their planet before leaping once more. This time aiming for a large chasm in the wasteland. The two beams of power zooming past their kind. Landing outside the ivory spire. The guard of the library of fate. Once the others arrived, Totti would open the mighty doors. As they marched through the mighty halls of the spire. And into the library, Altrix would descend, sitting upon a floating grimoire. "My friends, you're free at las-" "you could have told the others." Totti would interrupt.

"I have a job to do here, Totti. I sent a messenger out back when it happened. Although she hasn't returned to me since...I fear the worst." After a brief silence, Ostarno would chip in. "Wasn't your messenger that little garrotol girl?" "Yes, why?" "Saw her out by that grave field. She's been sitting out there for a while. Seems lonely, want me to fetch her?" With a nod of conformation. Ostarno would dash off into the night.

"Friends!" Altrix would call out. "Come inside, join me, rest and recover. The Ivory Spire shall protect us, as it has me." He'd call as he shut the doors. Seemingly with a command. Although when he went to look over everyone. Totti was gone.

As Vara wandered across the land, being guarded by the towering primitive arachinol. She heard something in the distance. She'd gesture for them to stop. A whistling sound fast approaching. Soon Totti landing in front of them. "Hey lass" He'd call to Vara. "How's hystrix."
A confused Vara would respond "she's f-fine, sorry, who the fuck are you?"
"Totti dear, I'm an elkren like Hystrix. Except, I am of reality, and she is of innovation. So...what'd'ya do?"
Vara would gesture behind herself. Curiosty following. "Ooh, he's pretty" Totti would say before letting out a little chuckle.

"You need allies out here darling. I know where you're going, and with a simple gesture I can take you there. You need my power. I want to see the most vital running point in our lives. Do we have a deal?" After the garrotol nodded, Totti would clap his hands together, as grey light covered the group, they'd be teleported to Karsts lab. Vara venturing down into the mechanical abyss. Hoping to continue her work.

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