Chapter 6 : The Broken Aliance.

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As the generator was nestled back into its place. Tendrils stabbing back into the wall, returning power to the lab. Karst would sigh. "Infernal machine, always wanting go wreak havoc." He'd turn to leave, only to be surprised by the sudden appearance of Zaika'Vo, and the nightmaric human. "You've gotten bigger... Ho-" "I've eaten..." Curiosty would interrupt. "It seems I turn mass to matter then use that to make nightmarians." Something about the mention of the marian parasites set Karst off. "No! Don't tell me you modified marians. Those wretched things almost killed me.

"And here I thought you to be immortal." Vara would say, emerging from the darkness, cracks along her skin, glowing purple from the radiation. "Mrs Hyde. How lovely to see you again, I see my lab is serving you well, apart from an escape." He'd take his helmet off and immediately his horns flexed backwards his outer jaws opened, emitting a clicking sound that seemed to activate dormant systems in the lab. Lights, heaters, some equipment and a barrier all chimed on in unison.

Katst would step up to Vara and hold her arms. "Oh days, look at to the kest... Thankfully its not hindered you. Although I hope you were able to activate everything without me...except the barrier, you wouldn't look like that if the barrier was up." He'd shift around the room, admiring her work and notes.

"Yeah, no. Nothing worked. Half the equipment I had to stab with a crystal to power. And I only recently got Vorigen to work." She'd sigh. "Vori-what?" Karst questioned.
"Your machine, the flying thing. He calls himself "The Vorigen" I thought you knew." She'd reply.
"You can talk to it? I spent months trying to program speech into him how'd you mana-....oh...oh no, no, fuck. You've been poisoned, just not hindered. Kest is in your head and heart, you can communicate with it...with my creation...fascinating!."
"Well, that explains the nightmares."

"Incoming reality demon" Curiosty would call out.
"Here comes the cavalry, move to the right a bit" Vara would say to Zaika'Vo.
As if on cue, Totti would drop from the sky, phasing through the roof as he landed. "Hello darling." He'd chime. Looking around the room at the guests.
"You've sided with an Elkren? How queer." Zaika'Vo said as he studied the elkren's form. "I killed one of you...not too long ago." A haunting chuckle leaving his throat.

"I thought they were immortal. How did you kill one. And who did you kill." Vara asked as she held out her arm, the Vorigen shifting out of its slot in the wall to move beside her, somehow still powering the facility.
"Bit the back of his head open. Took a few tries but it worked. Joy is no more, the tyrant he was." He'd say as he looked over Totti again. "Tell me, I have a pattern I constantly say in my head. Why don't I need to do it around you, elkren?"
"First of all, I am Totti, he of reality. Second. Your "pattern" locks you to reality, you don't need to do that around one who controls reality." He'd smirk and teleport over to Curiosty. "I'm more of a god than a demon, at least in your world" He'd say to the nightmaric.

"You're planning a war...You need allies" Karst said to Vara. "I know a group who'd be useful. Albeit difficult to tolerate."
"A sparrow in the sea" Totti called out.
"Let's go see the Lunarail, shall we?" Karst said with a smirk. "I sent them out, not long ago to fetch me something. We've been studying Nortali, those things that have been invading us for the last few years. Found a particularly puzzling one, it's been attacking cargo shipments, looks like an outcast amongst the others."
"Well, hopefully they find their little out-Karst" Vara would say with a slight chuckle. The vorigen coiling it's tendrils around her arm, Holding onto her, anchoring itself by her side like a pet.

The group would walk out to the mobile lab, The Vorigen clinging to the rear engine, powering it up without draining the batteries. Karst and Vara taking the helm and Zaika'Vo, Curiosty and Totti sitting in the back, each one studying the other, not sure what to think of one-another.

They'd arrive at the edge of a cliff near Ostarno's port. A distant light in the horizon slowly approaching, it would take all night to arrive. "Ship ahead." Vara would sing. Karst humming in confirmation as he messed around with some of the mechanics of the lab. A deep whirring sound came from under the lab as it changed, the wheels shifting aside as a hovering mechanism kicked into place. Not recommended for land use, but ideal for the sea. "Gentlemen, lady...This is your *pilot* speaking, we are about to soar across the seas, in the event of an emergency, please put your head between your legs, and kiss your arse goodbye." Karst would say with a cackle as he went full speed ahead, off the cliff. The lab kiting off the water, the hovering mechanism taking time to adapt to the water, soon kicking in as the lab soared across the open seas.

"Let's hope our privateers haven't gotten into too much trouble." He'd say to himself as he noticed the ship in the distance, it would still take hours for the lab to catch up to the ship.
"You said we need allies. What shall we call this alliance?" Curiosty would speak up, taking his eyes off of his fellow passengers for a moment. "You all seem...misplaced, broken. Spider, we're both undead. Lizard, you are missing an arm. Reality god, you are...insane." He'd list off each member inside the vehicle " about, 'The Broken Alliance' seeing as we are all quite broken."

"Any opposition?" Totti would ask
"No?.. Then I guess it's settled, this is the origin, the start, the source...of the Broken Aliance, may we be the end, of Ostarn-" Karst would say before he was interrupted by a blinding light outside of the lab. An Elkren floated in front of the Lab. 
"Altrix!" Totti would call out. "Fuck out the way!"
"STOP" The elkren would call out, glowing white, coated in scriptures, The elkren of fate. "You have contributed to the end of this world. There is no going back, only forward. I wish that you limit the casualties. You will be victorious, the timeline has been permanently altered. Ostarno's fate is to die by the hand of the Karst, of the Elkren, of the true Lord Voridian, last of his kind. Who you dared to try and bring back, I know of Orlote. The abomination to our nature. Heed my warning, Karst. You are messing with fate, a power you do not understand." He'd declare before dissapearing in a flash of light, a beam zapping through the ocean, towards the pirate ship.

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