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In the past years the gang has got quit bigger, now a little mafia group you can say but still more powerful then before. But han still stayed the same, the same apartment, the same rank, in the shadows suffering lonely. He kept watching as the world kept advancing but he stayed the same. Well that does not matter. Now that he was done with school he really wanted to leave the group but that was not allowed, the leader wanted to keep the old members because they are more trustworthy, han did not complain, he knew this plus it's not like if he leaves the group he will become a saint and that his world will become bright.

He was now going to district nine with some other members to attack another group because that's the point of mafia life, he was thinking why such a place because district nine is under the biggest mafia group called skz, going on a fight in a place like this, it is allowed but it needs permission, permission granted only to other powerful mafias, and the one he belong to surely wasn't but again maybe some miracle must have happened, whatever it might be han was was ordered to go there, he had gotten involved in fights by now, so he is prepared, but he was the only old member in this group, all the others members just joined,he was ordered to lead them, which han was feeling very suspicious about but again he didn't want to think much about it.

He stepped outside the van and the other group was already present, but han noticed something ...the other group also consisted of new members, han could recognize that just by the looks of how they glanced and how their nervousnes was in their eyes. Now han was very suspicious....this is a trap...or a bait otherwise who would send new members on a fight in such a exclusive place.....did they actually get the permission to fight here?....oh lord they never got the permission

He realised that the leaders send them to district 9 without having any permission why? He does not know maybe to get something, that means they are invading their borders, han does not have any idea how this could be a smart move because they could reveal the mafia group they are from and skz wll just wipe them from existence. Invading their borders is just the biggest crime in the mafia world, they will kill them right han can finally die? He can finally be free, as much han suffered or made himself suffer, he was a coward....coward to take his life and was so ashamed about it. How could he still have the hope to live.

Well getting killed by someone else is more easy so he just looked behind and started to warn others, as much as he wanted to die he was sure no one else had that wish so he had to do something to save them. And surprisingly  Everybody believed him, maybe they had their own suspicions and started to get into their van. Han did not, he started to put the others on the van. He heard sound of other cars coming and he knew that skz is very close maybe few minutes away. He started to push everyone in the van quickly because he cannot let them die, he can't see more people die, they are young and and they really did wanted to live. Suddenly he heard gun shootings he looked back and they were here but thankfully the vans were already on their way out so that's a relief but he was the only one now left behind and in a few second he was surrounded by armed mans ready to shoot anytime

, behind him stood seven man, yeah they were skz.

One of them asked,

"Well very rude of you to just invade like this, so bless me by answering why are you here?" the leader asked

"Our leader send us here, I'm from group mlp (just light up the mood), if I be honest my leader is idiot always taking foolish decisions so it's a surprise that we got so far but we are a very small group who used to be a small gang I really don't know why he send us here he said a fight will happen with another group it was suspicious enough that it was in such a grand place but we are from lowly ranks and we could not say anything against it, we were here probably to sacrifice but we did not even know why, is it for information or to keep eyes on you guys we really do not know"

"Then why did they run away ?"

"They were new members very young the eldest in the van was me and the second eldest is only 18 they did not deserve such young death"

"They why are you here?"

Han really did not know how to answer that or more likely he did not plan to answer that, he knew he will die now so he kept his head high, he always kept his head low but before dying he really wants to speak confidently so he answered the questions with dead empty eyes not breaking the eye contact with the person he was talking which he assumes is the leader.

"Okay my man even exposed his groups name that means he totally wants us to hunt and destroy his group" the youngest in the group whispered

"Was he forced to be in the group" the blonde questioned

"Could be" the leader answered  

Han saw two other members were whispering among themselves in the back he could not hear them but he knew that the leader could hear them

Han revealed the groups name to take revenge for the other guys, how could they risk the lives of so many young man, he knows that mlp was done for

"Just don't do anything to the new kids they just got distracted or wanted to explore they did nothing wrong"

Chan really never saw someone with such dead eyes in his life which is surprising because he is in the mafia world, but in this world only hatred, greed, and power, is seen in everyone's eyes. It looks like this man no boy just gave up on everything, he has nothing, he is hanging and ready to fall, he is eager to fall to be free from life. Chan saw those eyes before as some of his members were found in quite hopeless times but never this dead, as if someone was forcing him to stay alive for so long. He just could not take it, the sadness, the pain in his eyes. He could practically see how he is standing there with a soul trying to leave this shell. And suddenly he saw the boy taking out a gun, but not to shoot others but....himself

Han did think of this outcome where they will not kill him that easily so he had a gun in his pocket he took it out and put it on his head, finally he is getting the strength to do it

Other members must have noticed how chan was feeling for the man, because they felt it too, those dead eyes are so painful to stare at and then they saw the man take out a gun and put it on his head.

All of them watched in horror, a tiny display of the endless pain came out of the mans eye, it was one single tear but they knew that before he had cried more .

Hyunjin ran as fast as he could, he was a fast runner and kicked the gun out of his hand

"Hell no your doing this now, we still have more questions to ask" 









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