chapter one:

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(A/N I suggest that you read the prologue if you haven't at this point. It will help you a lot throughout this book.)


Blaire's POV

I decided to get out of the house to today.
Okay only like ten feet, but at least I tried. I sat on the beach looking out over the blue-green waves. The sound of the water splashing was soothing and comfortable. It almost made me want to get in the water, but I don't like ocean water.
Ocean water specifically, because of the fish pee and poop is in the water. It really wanted to make me throw up. Most people wouldn't care. But, I'm not most people.

They would just say:

It's natural, why do you care so much?


Get in the water ,enjoy yourself.

But, I was perfectly fine just sitting in a beach lounge chair relaxing.
And, that's exactly what I was doing.
I had my head leaned against the top of my chair comfortably. I actually took into account what my mom said about sitting on the beach when ever I like.
It was nice to just let the thoughts of my past float away. It made me feel normal, although I was not.
I close my eyes to take in the oceans scent. It smelt very.....relaxing.
The sun shined on my body perfectly giving me a tan. It felt like the perfect day, well almost.

"So, this is the creeper who was staring at me yesturday" a husky voice stated smugly.

I look away from the ocean and into the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen in my 18 years of life.

"Uh- I w-wasn't staring at y-you I was simply looking." I stated a matter of factly.

"So, you were staring? Like I don't blame you, I mean who can resist this?" he said gesturing to his body.

"A girl came dream." I muttered.

"Excuse me?"

Shook my head side to side then said 'nothing'.

"That's what I thought" he said with a wink. "What's your name cupcake?"
He asked.


"Oh so, your names cupcake. That means I got it right without even trying."

"What, no my names not cupcake.... It's Blaire."

He looked over my body the said "it suits you."

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked.

He sent a wink my way then sat down beside the chair I was sitting in.
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and he chuckled.
"What's so funny?" I asked with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Nothing..... Your just different."

What the heck was that suppose to mean.

"So you wanna screw?" He asked.

"No!!" I yelled.

"See different" he muttered.

"I'm different because I won't screw you." I asked with my nose scruched up.

"Exactly" he stated.

Well someone has a huge ego.
I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm god like. I'm truly a gift from heaven and your saying you don't want to screw, that means your different." He said.

"Blaire come inside I need to show you something." My aunt yelled from the porch of the house.

"Coming!" I yelled back.

"Well that's me I'll talk to you later.... Uh what's your name anyway?" I asked him.

"It's Kale" he stated.

I nodded at him then waved while walking to the house.

"What's so important" I asked my aunt.

"This." She said as she pulled out a picture of me and my dad.

"I don't want it" I stated.

"Okay well if you change your mind I will have it." She said.

"I won't" I muttered while walking to my room.

I plopped on the bed and gazed out the window. I stood up ,and walked over to my balcony to look over the ocean.
I closed my eyes as the warm sun hit my face.
All I did was go ten feet out of the house and somebody has asked me if I wanted to screw.

This has been a very interesting day.


Hey guys I know it's pretty short but I tried.
I love u guys so much. Thank u for all for your support.


A Summer in Montgomery (slow updates)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant