chapter two:

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Blaire's POV

I woke up this morning cranky as freak. I'm really not what you would call a morning person, but my aunt said she want to take me into town to to do something.

So, I guess were going into town.

We arrived in town at around 3:00.

"Sweetie we are going to my job. I work at a gift shop and I wanted you to come with me just so you could get out of the house." My aunt stated.

I nod at her really not wanting to respond.

Today I really just wanted to rest but I guess I have to get up.

I get the car and go into the girt shop. There were all sorts of trinkets and things in there. Souvenirs and notebooks it looked great in there.

"Sweetie let me show you how to work the register and you can get right to it I guess." My aunt states.

Once she done showing me a costumer walks over to the register. And that costumer is..... The one and only egotistical Kale.

"How may I help you." I said dryly.

"Well someone doesn't seem happy today now do they." He said.

"Okay do you want something or not, because we can't have freeloaders?" I asked.

"Does a date with you count?"

"No" I said.

"Then don't think of it as q date, think of it as a day to hangout with a friend." He stated smugly.

"But guess what Kale."

"What Blaire?"

"Were not friends."

"Please...." He pouted.

Ugh why does he have to be so adorable.

"Fine" I stated while rolling my eyes.

"So can we be friends?"he asked.

"Yes we can be friends, but were not doing some fancy dinner crap. Were simply going to watch a movie and eat a bunch of sweet and salty foods understand?" I had to make it clear that we were just hanging out.

"Yes sir"he saluted.

"First of I'm not a man, and second get out" I said firmly while pointing to the door with my index finger.

" Is that anyway to talk to a costumer?" He asked.

"Your not a paying costumer, and I only get money from paying costumers. So bye" I said while waving.

Then he left.

"Finally." I stated once he was out the door.

Hey guys I know, I know. Kill me the update was only a day late cut me some slack GOSH i mean I do things to. So yeah I so sorry. Drown me with your "please update" comments. I know I slipped up on the job. But I will update again soon.

Sorry. Remember this is a light reading book. So its like for if you want to read something but you want it to be short and good then thats  is what this books for. So bye.
Love u!!! :)


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