First Day of Highschool

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It was Y/N's first day of highschool. She was attending her local school: Kimetsu Academy. Y/N heard amazing stories from previous students that used to attend Kimetsu Academy.

But the thing was she was nervous. Like, extremely nervous.

Y/N had huge trama from last year in middle school. She was always picked on for her huge interest in anime. Most people thought she was a weirdo for watching "cartoons" in eighth grade.

But her best friend, Savannah, supported her because she also loved anime. Ever since sixth grade, they were besties.

She knew that Savannah was also attending Kimetsu Academy, but she knew nobody else.

Anyway, Y/N was getting ready for school, still nervous as ever. She heard a chime coming from her phone and she realized Savannah was texting her.

You almost ready?

Yeah almost.

Y/N quickly put on her F/C sneakers and bolted out the door.

Savannah was across the street. She ran over to Y/N and walked beside her.

"Are you still nervous?" she asked in concern

"Yeah, you're the only person I know that is going to Kimetsu Academy."  Y/N said.

"Well, as long as we have each other, we will be alright." Savannah responded.

They arrived at the huge school they will be attending.

Y/N walked forward and accidentally bumped into a boy.

"AH, I'M SO SORRY!" she apologized. Savannah looked at the boy and shot him a smile then helped her friend up.

"It's fine. My name is Tanjiro Kamado" the boy said. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah" Y/N said. Tanjiro was so sweet and handsome she couldn't help but blush.

Savannah smirked at this.

"What class do you have first?" Savannah asked.

"English." Tanjiro answered.

"Oh same with us" she said. "Wanna walk with us?"

"Sure." Tanjiro smiled and led the way to English class

A/N: And there you have it!!! The first chapter 🥳🥳🥳!!! I hoped you enjoyed. Also my OC, Savannah, is actually me in Kimetsu Academy, so she acts the way I do in real life. Also you meet my brother next chapter.

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