Part 6

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Word count : 740 words

Seongwha's pov : 

The nurse last minute had decided to give me crutches so its easier for me and that way I don't have to put so much pressure on hongjoong. we were peacefully walking over to my house when it hit me. what were my parents gonna say about this? there gonna be so mad , im gonna be grounded for weeks I thought as I started biting my lip out of anxiety.

"Whats wrong?" Hongjoong asked me snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing , its just im worried about what my parents are gonna say about this" I said.

"About what? ur leg incedent?" Hongjoong asked me as he raised up his eyebrow and I nodded.

"Its fine , just tell them what happened and they will probably understand" hongjoong said looking at me.

"Its not that easy , my parents are very-" I said as I got cut off by hongjoong.

"Strict?" hongjoong said cutting me off.

"Yeah , strict is an understatement at this point. Well they have always liked you , maybe u can tell them what happened and they will understand better?" I said practicly begging for hongjoong to help me.

I really can't deal with my parents and there drama right now , my leg hurts way more then im showing right now and all I wanna do is go to the hospital and lay in one of those comfy beds and get my leg situation sorted out. I know the school nurse is probably right about the swelling and pain going down after some time , but I really can't take this pain for anymore then a minute.

"Fine , i will" hongjoong said playfully rolling his eyes.

"Thank you" I said as I was about to start jumping from happiness and realized that I couldnt.

"Its okay , you will be able to soon" Hongjoong said as he saw me trying to jump and started laughing.

"Its not funny" i said rolling my eyes.

"Kinda is if you think about it, cmon if it was me doing that u would be gasping for air from laughing so much" hongjoong said.

"That is true" I said nodding my head in agreement.

"We are here" I said as I stopped infront of the house , well more like a mansion...

"U LIVE IN A MANSION?" hongjoong said in a way to loud tone as he covered his mouth.

"Put ur voice down and yes i do" I said as I hit the buzzer and told Elizabeth to come let me in. Elizabeth is my maid and bestfriend and she has been taking care of me since I was a little kid. She even moved over to here with us when we moved to this house , shes practically my family.

"Welcome back Mr seongwha" elizabeth said opening the door as she looked down and gasped at my leg.

"Its nothing" eliza I said.

"Yes it is something , u need to come in now so we can put some ointment on it" Elizabeth said as her gaze turned to hongjoong.

"U are hongjoong" Elizabeth said as her eyes lit up when she saw him and gave him a hug.

"Hi elizabeth , its so nice to see you again" hongjoong said as he smiled at her.

Oh yeah , did i forget to mention that me and hongjoong used to be friends since we were kids?. he would practically live in my house from how much my family would invite me over , it got so far to the point he even had his own room. but after all the stuff that has happened , my parents and the rest of the family have missed him allot. they still dont know the reason why we stopped being friends for sometime and I dont have the heart to tell them.

"Come in" elizabeth said as she gestured us in.

Hongjoong was in awe the whole way throughout the path in the garden leading to the house.

"Jeez , what do ur parents even do now? last time I checked they were teachers and teachers don't got this type of money" Hongjoong said raising up his eyebrow at the last part.

"They have there own real estate business now , that's where all the teacher money went to I said as I opened the door to my house.

"Welcome back home" the rest of the maids welcomed me as I smiled at them. Everything was going good untill I saw my parents coming down the stairs with luggages...

Old feelings-SeongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now