Request rules!!!!

59 2 17

I'm very picky on what I'll choose so yeah I'm sorry :(

Things I won't do:

Anything player/character 

Carmen x Gray (idk what to call bro)

Ivy x Zack (ew wtf)

Literally anything proship basically

Things I will do :


Head Canons 

X reader (Sorta)

Pretty much everything ig, but I am picky so :p

How to request:

"(Greeting) I was wondering if you  could do (character) x (character) or (reader) fluff HCs? Thank you!"

"(Greeting) can you do (character) x (Character) one shot? The prompt is (the prompt) thanks!"

"(Greeting) will you do (character) angst HCs? Thanks!"

"Can i have (Character) x reader with male (fem or GN) pronouns? The prompt is (prompt)"

How not to request:

"(Character) x (character)" first of all rude, secondly what do I do with this?

"Player x (literally any adult)" no absolutely not unless it's player x minor reader, but only request this if you are a minor 

I can draw stuff too if ya want

Just have basic manners, and please don't get mad if I don't do your request, I probably didn't see it or most of forgotten  to reply saying I won't do it, dm me or comment again saying your request and if I can do it.

Also I can't write smut, but I can do smut HC's , maybe suggestive stuff but idk yet, you can ask tho.

Carmen Sandiego stuffNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ