Chapter 4

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Jaune dodge the blade of the sword as he clashed with Pyrrha as he let out a roar as he charged forward as the invincible girl had no time to react as she felt the wind get knocked out of her lungs and felt her feet lose touch of the ground as she felt herself be thrown on her back hard enough to break the floor of the ring they were fighting in as Jaune blade near her neck and smiled at her as if he was a predator that caught its prey and was now going to eat it, Pyrrha eyes were wide and had her mouth open in shock as the crowd went wild at the display.

"The winner is Jaune Arc." Goodwitch said as Elena, Ariel, Gwen, Alex, Coco, Velvet cheered the loudest as the rest of team NPR and RWBY was in a stunned state at the display while Yang looked at Blake who was also stunned but had a slight blush on her face and her bow twitched as she watched the scene in front of her.

"The harem king wins again." The males student said as Jaune sweatdropped as the female stare jealous of that

"How the fuck did they find out I am dating 7 girls?" Jaune ask as he walked over to Elena who shrugged and gave her lover a kiss before giving him a wink as the blonde knight felt a chill down his spine.

"They may have overheard us..." Elena said with a shy smile.

"Y-You don't mean?" Jaune asked blushing 

"I-It's not what you think! We were drunk!" Elena said waving her hands rapidly.

"Wait? What did you two do?" Gwen ask raising an eyebrow.

"Elena here accidentally said that I'm dating team 7 girls." Jaune said with a slight blush

"Well....shit that explain team RWBY glare." Ariel said pointing behind them as Team RWBY were glaring daggers into their direction

"They have a death glare." Velvet said with a frown.

"let them. Jaune is ours." Coco said adjusting her sunglasses and stepped forward with her three girlfriends as Gwen Alex and Elena following suit to block their lover as Jaune rolled his eyes fondly

"Come on let get some lunch." Jaune said leading the ladies out of the room

"I will win you back." Pyrrha said her voice showing distrust while others cheered but many were deadpanned and some even a little disappointed as Pyrrha's fan began to say that Jaune had to have done something to win


Jaune was blushing deep red as Coco was sitting on his lap while Elena was on his left hugging his left arm while Gwen was sitting and leaning into her boyfriend on his other side as both Ariel and Velvet was sitting behind him leaning on his back as the couple ate lunch. Coco was feeding him with a smirk luckily they were the only ones in the cafeteria since they came early for lunch while Rwby and the others were in class.

"Come on just one more bite lover." Coco said smirking and looking into Jaune eyes as she held up a fork with a steak and carrot as Jaune took the food in his mouth as Coco dragged the fork from his mouth while his lips grazed the fork making the lad blush

"Coco knock it off." Gwen said holding back a laughed seeing Jaune junior poking Coco ass

"What? Can't I want to spent time with my lover?" Coco said her expression not matching her words

"Aww come on cut him some slack you always try to make him embarrass." Ariel said with a roll of her eyes as Jaune coughed before looking at his first love

"Can you stop being so defensive?" Jaune asked

"Well sorry, he's been teasing you three constantly." Elena piped in as she watch the three girlfriends narrow their eyes at her

Jaune Arc: The Arcadia Dragon/Shadow MonarchWhere stories live. Discover now