Chapter 2 - American Institute of Research and Technology

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Lassford University of Engineering and Technology, 19:27

- And before I finish my class, don't forget that next week you have to take your lab kit to the practical class. Have a good weekend - the old Thermodynamics teacher said to his students.

Daniel and Kelvin got up from their seats and packed their bags, starting to head for the exit, being caught up by the row of other students leaving the class.

- Ah... - Kelvin sighed with a deep breath - Finally over...

- You seem stressed... - Daniel asked with a slight doubt in his mind

- I'm tired, that's all. Just wanna go to the party and relax. Speaking of which, I'm gonna head home to get ready for later. 8:30 at Anna's, right?

- Yeah, gonna sleep there with us? - Daniel asked.

- Probably not. Anna's college is close to my house.

- As you wish, Kel. See ya then.

- See ya later - Kelvin said as he and Daniel separated.

Daniel kept walking through the packed corridors of the University. He was near the exit when his phone rang.

-Hello? - Bruno's voice came through the speaker as Daniel accepted the call.

- Hey, man. What's up?

- Just got out of class. You?

- Yeah, just left Kelvin at the entrance a few minutes ago.

- Are you gonna do something before we head to Anna's?

- Well... - Daniel said thoughtful - I was gonna go to the library to study a bit. Why? What do you have in mind?

- I was thinking you could come to the Institute. Gotta pick some stuff up but then we can head to Anna's.

- Alright, sure - Daniel affirmed - Should we meet there?

- Yeah, I'll be there in 5 minutes. I'll tell the receptionist you are coming with me so she lets you into the Research Area when you get there. Just tell her your name and she'll know who you are.

- It's so funny that you have those connections inside the institute - Daniel said with a slight chuckle.

- I wouldn't call them "connections" - Bruno said, rambling - More like friendships I made for my benefit - he said with a fake mischievous tone.

Daniel laughed loudly, getting some weird stares from other students around him in the corridor.

-Fair enough. I'll see you there, Bruno.

- Aight, see ya there - Bruno replied as the call ended.


The Institute wasn't very far away from Lassford University, it would be 10 minutes away if Daniel walked at a slow pace. Daniel approached the building's entrance, with a facade shaped like a sort of trapezoid that made it clear the Institute had been built recently due to its modern architecture.

He pushed the glass doors open, being presented with a spacious hall with a smaller reception in the middle of it, where a woman, no older than 30, was working, scribbling something on a piece of paper.

- Good afternoon - Daniel greeted the woman, approaching the white countertop of the reception.

The woman looked up, facing Daniel and with a wide smile said:

-Good afternoon, how are you? - she asked politely - Are you here for Dr. Harper's lecture?

- Oh no... I am here to meet with a friend. His name is Bruno... Bruno Barbosa - Daniel rectified.

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