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content warnings;

- mention of alcohol/weed

- mention/discussion of sex


Regulus kept his head down as he made his way through the commons to his room. He pushed the door open, only to be faced with someone already in his bed. He rolled his eyes, but was quiet, because he knew it could only be one of his friends. He got ready for bed before he went to see who it was, and relief flooded through him when he found it was Pandora. He had been tempted to seek out Barty, after the ‘Touching James Potter’ debacle so he could blow off some steam, but Pandora was the person he went to for personal things. He didn’t want to tell Evan or Barty anything about James. Not yet, at least.

“Dora?” Regulus asked quietly, stirring her awake. She mumbled sleepily before she really woke up, and then smiled happily when she realized who was waking her.

“Sorry for falling asleep,” she apologized, “I was waiting for you, but I was so tired, and I didn’t even realize I was sleeping.”

Regulus smiled softly, getting under the covers with her, cautiously curling up against her. “I don’t mind you sleeping in here ever. If you’re still tired, we can just go to bed, but I had something I wanted to talk to you about..”

Pandora perked up a little at that. “Tell me! Is it about where you were?”

“Mhm.” Regulus bit his lip nervously. “I.. was with Potter.”

“As in.. Sirius, Lily, Marlene, and Dorcas’ friend?”

“The one and only. Okay, no, cause they all have lots of friends, but yes, their Potter. James.”

Pandora nodded. “Why were you with him? I thought you wanted nothing to do with them?”

Regulus took a deep breath, and started to explain the story of James rescuing him. He tried to sound as bored about it as he could, but he couldn’t help the way his face flushed from embarrassment just thinking about it again. Pandora hugged him tightly - it always upset her greatly when someone she loved was getting hurt, and she knew how it felt to be bullied by the Slytherins.

“I’m glad he was there to help you,” Pandora told him. “I’ll have to thank him the next time I see him. I can’t believe Evan didn’t say anything about it. He and Barty gossip more than Mary does.”

“No, don’t thank him, he’ll probably think it’s an invitation to be around me more,” Regulus countered. He chewed on his lip again. “He actually invited me personally to Gryffindor’s party. I don’t think it’s a good idea, and I don’t really like crowds, but I think it could be okay if you guys all came with me.”

Pandora hummed. “I will stick by your side all night, and then we can all have a sleepover.”

Regulus smiled at the thought of that. “I’d like that. I hope Gryffindors throw better parties than Slytherin. Our parties are always lame.”

“Oh, they definitely do,” Pandora assured him. “I’ve been to multiple parties from all of the houses, and Gryffindor is by far the best. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are both pretty meh as well, but most of Ravenclaw doesn’t like people in general. The Hufflepuffs at least have the sense to get booze and music. Sometimes they’ll have weed, but I think they’re worried about getting caught by the smell of it.”

Regulus hummed. “We should get high before going, I think it’d be less miserable that way.”

“Agreed.” Pandora yawned. “Was there anything else you wanted to talk about? I’m pretty sleepy, and I don’t wanna accidentally fall asleep while you’re talking to me.”

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