Chapter 1-Back Again

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Shebrine's POV

"Ready?" I asked Killer,Paisley,FG,Noel,Dexter, Mando,Pewds,Jack and Vanoss.

"Ready." They said nervously.

I smiled as I looked up at the portal. The obsidian structure stood out from the amount of gold/butter room that we were all packed into.

It's been so long since I have been in Minecraftia since the war. I hated how my dad controlled me and Sky...luckily Ender,Notch,and Ty got the both of us out of the trance.

"Syd?You there?" Mando asked as he put his hand on my shoulder,removing me from my thoughts.

"Yeah." I answered as we held each other's hands and jumped through the portal after everyone else did.

A few moments later...

We jumped through the other end,causing purple sparks to fly everywhere.

"Took you long enough." Ender joked with a smile.

The wind blew at her short,purple, hair causing it to go all over the place.

"Caught in a daze." I said looking down.

"You and your brother," Ty began."Always thinkers."

Sky rolled his eyes and I did the same. That is why Ty and Ender are boyfriend and girlfriend. Or master and slave,they call themselves.

"Let's go!" Jack said as he and Pewds raced Noel and Paisley to the castle gate.

I felt like teleposting until Ender challenged me to a race.

"Your on!" I said smiling.

We got into a crouched position as Ender changed into her wolf form and looked at me and smiled.

"Ready?" Mando and Ty seemed to say at the same time.

"Set." FG said with a little smile.

I looked at Ender. She looked back at me.

"Go!" Dexter and Sky yelled.

We did. We ran fast that I felt the wind against my face and whip my hair back.

Ender was there,with her eyes closed and the wind ruffling her black and purple pelt. I could see a small smile spread across her face.

I looked straight ahead and saw that I was just feet away from the castle door.Few more seconds.. The thought came to me as I passed through the gate.

"Cheater!" Ender joked."I wish you weren't a brine."

"I wish I wasn't ethier." I said as I followed Jack,Pewds,Noel,and Paisley into the castle while Ender stayed behind to cheer on Ty and Killer,who were racing Sky.

"They are children,sometimes." Pewds said.

"Aren't we all?" Paisley joked.

"Yeah." Noel answered."Some more than others."

Noel looked at Pewds and Jack who were looking at each other like,Why she looking at us.

"Wait up!" I heard Ender call.

We stopped as the rest came with their breath gone.

"So who won?" I asked.

"Sky won the race against Killer and Ty." Ender answered as Sky blushed."And FG won against Vanoss and Dexter."

"Told you I'm fast!" FG said mockingly to Vanoss.

"And your a shrimp and young." Vanoss joked as he walked by FG and ruffled his hair.

"I'm 9,going to be 10 in August!" FG said.

"And we are much older than you,and much powerful." Dexter,Killer,and Jack said.

FG mummbled something but I couldn't hear it.

"Hello,Travelers." Said a girl who seemed to come out of the shadows."I am Rose. What brings you to our castle?"

Ender almost gag at what this girl looked like. Rose had this light pink hair that was pulled into a braid and was flung on the right shoulder. She wore all white with little blue eyes and a with bow.

"Just checking on things." Sky answers as he put his hands on his hips and looked around his old castle."How's the Sky army doing?"

"Great!" Rose said smiling."You must be Sky."

"Yep." Sky answered smiling."We're here to show our friends around the castle."

"Splendid!"Rose said." I'll give you a tour!"

"No thanks." Ty answered for Sky."We know our way around."

"We made a few minor changes when you left." Rose said.

"Let's just go on the tour." Mando said.

"Ok,We'll go on the tour."Sky said.

Sorry...this is a reupload. My crap after when FG mumbles was cut out for some reason so I had to re-write it..Hope you enjoyed!


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