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10:19 am


She heard a soothing voice fill her ears causing her to open her eyes slowly. The girl averted her eyes to the figure sitting on the bed, seeing his curly hair. His eyes looked right at hers with a soft expression but also concern in them.

Ayame slightly leaned up to look at him. "Miles..?" She mumbled in a low tone, wiping her eyes.

He lowly smiled at her, grabbing the girl's hand. He rubbed his thumb over her knuckles, gripping onto it tighter. "You okay?"

Ayame looked at him, sighing. "Yeah.. i am. Im, glad you're here." She slightly whispered, leaning over to hug him.

Miles knew something was wrong with her since yesterday. She last texted him at five pm, after that she hasn't answered any texts from anyone. He even tried calling her but still no response.

At first, worry grew within him. Now that he sees her here now, he knew that she was upset about something. Whatever it was, he was glad nothing happened to her.

He hugged her just as tightly. For moments they sat there, miles placed a kiss on her forehead.

Even though the reason why miles was here slipped her mind, she didn't care. Being happy to see him was the only thought clouding her mind.

Miles parted from her, helping the girl stand up from her bed. "I know you have to use the bathroom, I'll stay up here and wait for you."

Ayame's eyes softened at him, nodding. "Okay."

The girl stretched, grabbing her hair brush with her as she walked out of the room, peeking at miles before she fully walked out.

When she walked into the bathroom, she sat the brush down on the bathroom counter and went to the toilet.

She placed her arms on her legs, the lump in her throat finally letting loose. Her eyes began to water intensely. The tears slipped down her cheeks as she pressed her hands against her face, trying to stop them.

She sighed, trying to fan the rest of her tears out of her eyes. What she saw yesterday, she couldn't stop thinking about it. When those thoughts occur in her sleep, they turn into dreams.

Finishing up, she walked to the sink and looked into the mirror. Every time she'd cry, she'd always laugh at how she looked. This helped her calm down so miles wouldn't see her like that.

As the girl washed her hands, she grabbed her toothbrush from the cabinet and turned on the water to wet it. She daubed the toothpaste on there and wet it once again before putting the tooth brush into her mouth.

The girl looked down as she brushed, tons of thoughts crossing her mind. Now she suddenly remembered why miles was there.

Being so confident yesterday that she wouldn't let what she saw ruin her excitement, it did indeed ruin her excitement. Yes, she was happy for the baby, it was just overwhelming. She didn't end up telling her mom about anything like they planned to.

Moving on to brushing her hair, the girl tried not to look so saddened. She kept her eyes widely opened so no more tears would escape from them.

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