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8:58 pm

"Bye grandma!" Ayame Said, hugging the older woman tightly. The lady returned the gesture and gave her a small kiss on her forehead.

The woman left out of the door with her son, ayame's uncle, and closed the door after parting from her. Ayame stood there with a smile on her face, turning to her friends as they just finished cleaning with the help of some family members.

"Okay, so after I get out the shower..y'all coming in my room? Or are we chilling downstairs?" The Girl asked.

"Your Room." Gwen Said. "Where are we Gonna Sleep tho..?"

Ayame chuckled, putting a hand on her hip. "Mm, you all can't fit in my room. And I wouldn't want y'all to sleep on the floor.."

"Aw, being considerate. Isn't that nice?" Hobie teased her.

"No, I just don't want you guys in there. Miles is sleeping with me." Ayame said, grabbing him to stand beside her.

The boy looked at her slightly grinning. "I am?" He asked with a small laugh.

Gwen and Andre looked at each other. "Are y'all gonna..."

Ayame jumped. "No! No. Nothing is gonna happen. I just..want him to sleep in my room."

"Why can't we sleep on the floor then?" Hobie asked, slightly raising his head.

The girl looked to the side. "Okay. Fine."

"No, no. They fine with sleeping on a comfortable couch." Miles but in. Ayame looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay well, y'all can chill upstairs until we all get tired." The Girl chuckled. She had her arms wrapped around Miles's torso as he stood in front of her.

Miles laughed slightly, loving the feeling of her physical touch. Something they were glad they shared was having physical touch as a form they're love language.

"Are you guys sure y'all don't love each other?" Gwen asked the two of them.

Ayame's eyes slightly raised, not knowing how to answer that. Miles put a hand behind his head.

"I don't know?"

He remembered what ayame had said to him earlier, but chose not to bring that up in front of them, not knowing if he'd be going against ayame's wishes or not.

Ayame let go of miles and walked towards the steps. She put her hand on the railing and leaned off of it. "Ima take my shower now, don't come in my room."

Hobie looked at her, raising an eyebrow. "Except miles right?"

The girl rolled her eyes, picking herself back up from the banister. "Shut up." She muttered, walking up the stairs.

Miles laughed slightly while picking up his bag from off the floor, following the girl upstairs. He looked down at the teenagers, knowing they'd say something.

"Calm down, im putting my bag in her room."

They still gave him a smug look. Miles just ignored it and walked upstairs, heading to her room at the end of the hall. The boy opened the door, seeing her already half undressed.

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