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Hello! Another update hereee!Its heejay.Hope you guys enjoy reading this!

📍Heeseung and Jay were already in a relationship📍

📍Pussy boy📍

Requested by: BlxeberryMochi


A normal day at enhypen practice room.Everyone of the members are practicing for there b-side song 'still Monster'.Everyone was learning the new choreography of the song.The members was tired especially Jay.He was so tired that he made mistakes almost every second learning the dance and correcting it.Well that wasn't usually Jay would do.Every members knows it especially Heeseung.Heeseung knows well Jay would not usually mess up the choreography.Something seems off with Jay.It was water break time.Heeseung took this chance to confront with Jay.

"Jay are you okay? you seem not quite well... Are you sick? Please tell me sweetheart..."

"No I'm fine hyung... don't worry about me"

"Are you sure you're fine?"

"Yes I'm sure"

Jay smile at heeseung and turn around to places the water bottle aside.Hee was still concerned about Jay action.He just watched Jay turn around and walk to put the water bottle beside the wall.As Jay walking to put the water bottle, suddenly the water bottle that Jay was holding fell down and everything went black.

Heeseung who was behind Jay caught him as fast as he could before Jay full body hits the floor.Heeseung was shock and at the same time was worried.All of the members was surprised and shocked by the sudden incident.All of them was rushing towards heeseung and Jay.

"Oh my god!Hyung what happen to Jay hyung!?"[JW]

"I don't know...He suddenly fainted... Jungwon I need to bring Jay to the dorm"

"Sure thing hyung,in that case practice is dismiss,everyone are allowed to go home"

After jungwon said that,Heeseung carried Jay bridal style and walk out of the practice room and out of HYPE building.Heeseung went to the car and wait for the others to came.

At the dorm

Everyone went out of the car and headed inside the dorm.Heeseung went straight to the bedroom and placed Jay on the bed.He quickly went to the bathroom to get a wet towel.He placed the towel on Jay front head.He then went to kitchen to get a towel and a bowl of warn water.He start to clean Jay body and change him to some comfy clothes.He then change himself in to some comfy clothes and went to sleep beside his boyfriend.

"Sleep well sweetheart...I hope tomorrow you will feel better goodnight..."

Heeseung kiss Jay forehead and went to dreamland.

The next day

Jay woke up with a headache.It hurt his head so much.He didn't remember much about what happended yesterday.He turn to the other side and saw heeseung,sleeping on the bed beside him peacefully.He stared at heeseung for quite a while and then it hits him.He fainted yesterday and heeseung caught him right before he hits the ground.His mind went blank.He was scared and didn't knew what to said to heeseung when he woke up.Jay was thinking so hard and didn't even realized that heeseung had already woke up besides him.


"Oh ohhh...hyung...good morning..."

"How are you feeling?"

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