+New Beginnings+

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(2 years later)

No one's POV

The girls grew very close during their years at the academy they became inseparable which they loved. They always helped eachother when learning new routines and always comforted eachother when they were having a hard time. They often went on cafe dates and walks in the park.

Due to their continuous improvement over the past two years Eunchae managed to pass the aduition for Source Music which meant she was one step closer to her dream of being an idol and Bahiyyih participating in Mnets new survival programme Girls Plannet 999 so to say they were thriving was an understatement.

Eunchae POV

"Well done everyone take a break we will resume in 15 minutes" yelled our teacher, since i joined the company everyone has been lovely but i must say I thought the academy was hard here is a different level for the past 2 weeks we have been nailing down the basics of dancing different genres and on top of that there is diets which is soooo fun sense the sarcasm. We also do vocal lessons which I am finding hard because it's my first time actually getting vocal lessons and with how talented other trainees hate its hard not to compare but im doing my best.

Hiyyih unnie is also training hard as she is competing on a survival programme which she keeps calling me about saying how she doesn't think she is ready and that she will be eliminated but i keep trying to tell her that she is amazing but she is stubborn so im just helping as much as I can.

The only thing now is that we don't get to see eachother often so I often feel lonely and even when I text unnie she doesn't text back for hours because of the filming. Which I understand she doesn't have a choice but it makes me miss her more. But she is still super proud of her friend.

Bahiyyih POV

"Ice cream~~" , "well done everyone take a break we did really well this time just a few more touch ups and we are perfect" Dayeon unnie shouted after we finished our practice. GP999 has been such a good opportunity as I have learnt so much and made so many friends.

I had a hard time at the start because of netizens constant bringing up my brother and how that the reason I'm popular but I have tried to ignore it as best I can. One thing I have realised is that I really miss Eunchae and her bright energy, we try to text whenever I can but it is hard considering we are almost constantly filming.

Luckily we have a few free days this week so we agreed to meet up at the park and catch up.

(Few days later...)

"UNNIEEEEEE" I turn around to see a beaming Eunchae running towards me. "Eunchae~~ how have you been I've missed you so much you don't even know" "I've missed you to unnie im so glad we finally get to see eachother".

We talked at the park for a while and decided to go to a cafe they always went to back at academy, "So unnie, how do feel now that the final is in a few weeks?" Honestly I've been so absorbed in practice that it's only hitting me now how close it is, "Honestly I'm scared I mean I've always been in the lower ranks and i only get small lines so honestly I think I won't make it" i said with a sad smile. "Unnie you cant think like that, from what I've seen you are doing amazing and them parts may be small but you are doing them so well, if i didn't already know you, you would be my pick".
Hearing that has actually reall boosted my self esteem, wow she really knows what to say, im so happy she is my bestie.

(No one's POV)

They continued chatting for hours but they had to depart due to Eunchaes curfew but they agreed to meet up any days they are free. Little did hiyyih know Eunchae had a little suprise planned for her...

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed if you have any suggestions feel free to leave a comment all is welcome :)


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