lmao love it here (lie)

26 2 9


I go to the beach this weekend and my period ends on Saturday, which is the first day we'll be there,  and my mom's refusing to teach me how to use tampons bc of course she is

she says it's because I don't take care of myself and that's why she won't teach me even though I told her I'd only be using it for ONE DAY and only when in water

hey mom, remember when I told you part of the reason I don't take care of myself is because I think I'm depressed and you and dad laughed at me?

of course you don't 


I would teach myself to do it but there are no tampons in my house bc my mom's menopause and I prefer pads and I need my parents to at the very least drive me somewhere so I can get some tampons

so looks like I can't enjoy my first day at the beach

also my dad doesn't understand periods which is not at all surprising I don't think

I told him I'll still be bleeding (although very little) on Saturday and he said "no you won't, your period should be over on Friday because Friday is a week from Saturday" and blah blah technicalities like sir-

I might ask my aunt if she has a tampon I can use and then just watch a tutorial or something 

or maybe I'll just get a little blood on my swimsuit and when my dad throws a fit, I'll just tell him what I've already told him and my mom

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