char talks ice/figure skating

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I think this is something I wan't to learn how to do or at least make an attempt to learn

I feel like I honest to god have no talents and I just want to be good at something, anything

I can't draw, I can't do any cool tricks with my body or whatever the fuck

but I want to learn to do something and ice/figure skating is that something that I want to learn how to do

I want to at least try to learn it but fuckin I don't even know if my parents will let me take lessons and the closest place that does give skating lessons in just under an hour away from where I live

I don't have any skating experience of any kind and I'm scared I'm too old to start and I don't know what my parents will say, it'll probably be no

but fucking hell I want to learn how to do something, I want to have a fucking talent

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