storytime bc I can do whatever I want whenever I want

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okay this memory resurfaced and I felt like talking about it

so, back at around Christmas (2022 ofc) me and my parents were at a mall buying presents and things got a little heated between us (because we can't go anywhere all three of us without an argument breaking out somehow haha) and so that made me stressed out and also at the mall it was really loud cause y'know lots of people talking and shit so my autistic little ass got overwhelmed, sat on a bench and just kinda sat there not saying anything

now the main highlight of this story is my mom because she kept talking to me saying "what's wrong" "why aren't you talking" "come on, we have to go" blah blah shit like that and I only said a grand total of three things which were as followed:

"stop talking"

"I said stop talking"

"please stop talking"

did my mother listen to me? no, in fact, she kept fucking speaking

she did eventually step away from me a little bit though she came over once or twice like "are you calm now are you ready to go" in the most condescending voice possible

anyway moral of the story is maybe when the only thing someone is saying is "stop talking" maybe take that as a hint to shut the actual fuck up 

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