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We all alight from the train and walk towards the majestic building that is our school's main block. I see clusters of students chatting with one another, and some activating the education mode on their AI devices.

I do the same for Harry. My iPad and smartwatch beep when I do. I love that sound—it gives me a sense of control. Originally, Nigerians were sceptical about artificial intelligence. But we embraced it when AI helped us to manage the near-desolation state we have found ourselves in.
We're still very far off from the point of Strong AI so there's nothing to worry about, yet.

At the entrance, we have to swipe our student ID card at a device that the security guard thrusts forward.
Things have got so bad that there are security threats to schools and organizations.
Several terrorist sects much worse than the Boko Haram we've heard of in history have done their share of havoc on this country. It's a big miracle that despite it all, the country has not erupted in a flame of war.

There are monitoring CCTVs and audio speakers installed at corners in the ceiling and they change position automatically every 24 hours. I and Owen have made it a habit to spot every one of them just for fun.

Today, at the interlinking corridor that acts like a funnel through which we travel to the locker room, my eyes see 5 CCTVs in less than 30 seconds.
Owen wasn't as fast. I pump my fist in glee when I beat him to it while he just tells me I just got lucky today because it's my birthday.

Oscar and Owen head for the male sector of the locker room to drop their stuff and get their books for classes. Cordelia and I march to our respective lockers as well.

As I walk, I notice a few students glancing at their iPads and then at me with an inscrutable expression. It's like part 2 of the train episode. I wonder what it is this time around. I have an urge to check the school's gossip blog, but I resist the temptation.

Each student's locker is customised to their taste. The school authorities claim this is a way to promote diversity and individuality among the students. This makes the locker room quite a display room with all sorts of colourful things pasted on the lockers. Here in the female sector, there are things like astrology, fairy, and horror stickers. Just by looking at a locker, you can guess the owner's personalities.

Red stickers of cross symbols dot my locker's exterior.
Most people think it's because my mom's a nurse with the Red Cross Society that I have fancy Red Cross stickers both outside and inside my locker. I might have also mentioned that I want to
So, I don't get ostracized for being a religious nut.

My faith is my treasure. Though, ever since the nightmares began, I had been having this nudge to tell my schoolmates about the true saviour I'm scared. You should see how they speak badly of the small group of Christians who defy the government by publicly proclaiming their faith.

Dart whimpers and I jolt, suddenly remembering I have acquired a new companion not too long ago. Great! Where do I keep Dart and what do I feed him?
I'll figure that out, I'm sure.

"Hey, Harry!" I say to my AI assistant as I arrive at my locker.

The voice recognition works immediately and my locker lights up.
I press my thumb into the fingerprint sensor and the door clicks open.

"Hello, Naomi!" comes the robotic voice of Harry. "Welcome to school today. It's a beautiful day, isn't it?"

"It sure doesn't feel like it," I mumble and bring out my school badge.

"The time is 7:52 a.m. March 21st, July 2052. Today is your birthday. I wish you a happy birthday, Naomi."

I grunt a response, slam the door shut and whirl around.

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