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The moment I step out of the class to fully head to the library, I chide myself for not picking up my bag.

"Well, at least I'll have many books to explore and your cheerful company," I croon into Dart's ears as I stroke his fur. "Please don't go wacky in the library. I can't afford to pay for book damages."

When I get to the sliding glass door of the library, I activate my AI via my smartwatch.

"Harry, could you please grant me access to the library," I say.

"Affirmative," comes Harry's reply. The doors automatically slide open after a click.

With a large sigh, I step into the spacious but dimly-lit library.

There are rows after rows of computers dedicated solely to gazillions of readable materials on the Web3. The curtains are down and the AC is in full blast, for maximal functionality of the humming computers. This is why some students claim this place is eerie: it's cold, dark and has a constant droning sound.

Library is kinda an archaic name for this facility. It's what I like to call the book zone.
Maybe because we still have a tiny section dedicated to hardcopy books, that's why the name hasn't changed.

I have to first check in with the librarian of course.

I know Mr Demesi is not weird as all the other kids think. It's just that he has this strange obsession with hardcopy books.

Owen has a great relationship with this man. Many times, after school hours, they both would pour over ancient manuscripts for God knows what.

That, and the fact that Mr Demesi is quite bold about his faith. He's a rare species.

Any student, who by chance ends up here, will receive a reference, if not an earful, to how we need to return to God, our root.
It's a wonder no one has reported him to the authorities.
He's been here ever since I was in JHL1 and he hasn't faltered in his belief for once.

I admire his courage. Though I can't say I am a big fan of his, I sometimes regard him as a secret mentor in that aspect.

"Skipping class, young lady?" Mr Demesi asks, a single brow raised, as he watches me approach his desk.

I shake my head. "Nah! I got into a bit of trouble and was sent here for an indefinite detention."

He gives me a wry smile. "Ha! I see."

His eyes flicker to Dart who has now found my watch an interesting object for his amusement.

"Is it by any chance the fault of your furry friend over here?"

I chuckle as I begin to rock Dart in my arms to distract him from trying to nibble my watch.

"You guessed right. Just got this little troublemaker today. His name is Dart. Cordelia gave him to me as my birthday gift. Wanna hold him?"

"I'm allergic to animal fur," Mr Demesi says quickly.

My shoulders slump.
"Oh! I guess I should be on my way then. Wouldn't want you to be a nuisance to you."

Mr Demesi softens. "You aren't a nuisance, darling. You're a gem. And God loves you. Always remember that."

I sigh. It's good that I have at least one more person apart from my parents who reminds me of that.

"Oh, and by the way! Happy birthday to you," he says in a cheerful tone.

I grin at him and say, "Thanks. It's turning out to be more hectic a birthday than I imagined. Is sixteen always meant to be this stressful?"

Mr Demesi rolls his eyes and says dramatically, "Oh, trust me, there's more to come."

I laugh at the way he says it. It's obvious he's trying to make me feel at ease.

He lowers his voice into a mischievous tone like he wants to let me in on an epic secret.

"While you're here, you might want to check out the new collection they just brought in yesterday. It's a sermon text translated from Gombe state, where the Christian faithfuls of old hid before their mass annihilation by the then Boko Haram terrorists. Then there are some shipped from overseas too. A treasure indeed," he says.
His face is animated, his voice, spirited.

I half-heartedly nod. What choice do I have? Might as well check out the histories to pass the time while I'm here.

I head over to the hardcopy section of the library which is at the extreme back.

None of the titles catch my fancy. None except one.

The Apocrypha: Lost Books of the Bible.

I squint as I look at the leather spine imprinted with those words.

Uhn? Lost books of the bible? Never heard of them before.

I pull out the book and run my fingers over its grooved surface.

It's a medium-sized collection, apparently shipped from Jerusalem, the city of God's chosen people. I'm not a news person, but the last I heard from the news, Jerusalem would soon be completely overthrown by the Arabs who claim they are the original owners of that land.

What's this doing here? Isn't something like this supposed to be forbidden? How does a Nigerian school have access to such a manuscript as this one?

I take the book and Dart and sit at a cosy reading nook. I should read it. Everything in me itches to read it, but I can't bring myself to do it. It's like it's sacred.

Finally, I slide the book away and place my head on the table. Just a few seconds to snooze and I'll check out this book. I didn't get a proper night's rest with my nightmare and all.

A tap on my shoulder wakes me.

When I raise my drool-covered face, my eyes widen at who I see standing before me.
Am I dreaming?

"Sorry to interrupt your beauty sleep, Princess," Oscar says with an impish grin on his face.

Dart yaps happily and wags his tail.


Author's note: Hello, dear reader! Thanks for reading this chapter. I keep seeing the potential of this story as I write further.

If I tell you the original idea I had versus what it has evolved into, you'll be as stunned as I am.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I did writing it.

What do you think of Mr Demesi?

I hope to be able to occasionally drop double updates so I can catch up for the days I missed. Anyways, see ya soon!

Don't forget to vote, comment and share. You're amazing and God loves you.

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