Part 3

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(Featuring Ranpo my beloved)

*Insert Aku and Atsu fighting in the background, meanwhile kunikida tries to calm them down.*

*Insert Chuuya, Dazai, Yosano and Kouyou playing UNO in the background.*

(Person and Ranpo sit on the ground)

Person : Say, Ranpo, can I ask you a question?

Ranpo : Are you sure you haven't forgotten it?

Person : It's a different question! Besides, I'm sure I'll remember that question one day and ask you all.

Ranpo : Yeah, yeah. And I'll believe you.

Person : Hmph. So my question is.. how are you so smart?

Ranpo: It's my ability, of course.

Person: Oh.. I see.. (giggles)

Ranpo: (ignores the laugh) Can you get me some snacks?

Person: On one condition.

Ranpo: What?

Person: You have to guess my favorite food.

Ranpo: Alright... behold, the power of Super Deduction.. (puts on glasses) Oh, that's easy. It's cake, isn't it?

Person: Be more specific.

Ranpo: Chuuya's.

Person: (Snaps fingers) Here you go.

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