♥♥♥ Axel Blaze X Diana (2) ♥♥♥

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A sunny afternoon at Raimon High School. Axel Blaze is walking through the courtyard when he spots his friend Diana sitting alone on a bench, looking at her phone.

Axel: (approaching Diana) Hey, Diana! What's up?

Diana: (startled) Oh, hey Axel. I didn't see you there.

Axel: Is everything okay? You seem a bit lost in thought.

Diana: (hesitant) Well, I stumbled upon something on social media, and it's just... frustrating.

Axel: (curious) Frustrating? What is it?

Diana: (shows Axel her phone) Look at this picture. It's Edward, my best friend, wearing matching bracelets with this girl, and their initials are engraved on them.

Axel: (examines the picture) Oh, I see. But what's wrong with that? Maybe they're just friends who have matching bracelets.

Diana: (sighs) You don't get it, Axel. I've talked to Edward about her. He knows how I feel about her, and she knows it too. Every time she does something, I warn him, but he brushes it off as mere rumors.

Axel: (concerned) Wait, so you think this girl might not have the best intentions towards Edward?

Diana: (nodding) Exactly! But he's so naive, he never sees it coming.

Axel: Well, if he's your best friend, he should trust your judgment. Maybe you should talk to him again, express your concerns one more time.

Diana: (sighs) I guess you're right. It's just that he often underestimates me, thinks I can't handle simple tasks, let alone serious matters like this.

Axel: (supportive) I believe in you, Diana. You've got a good heart, and you know your friends better than anyone. Don't let anyone undermine your abilities.

Diana: (smiles faintly) Thanks, Axel. It's nice to know someone has faith in me.

Axel: Of course! And remember, if you ever need someone to have your back or give Edward a good talking to, I'm here.

Diana: (laughs) I appreciate that, Axel. You're a good friend.

Axel: So are you, Diana. Now, go talk to Edward, make him understand how important it is to take your concerns seriously.

Diana: (determined) I will. And thanks again for listening and supporting me.

Axel: Anytime, Diana. Friends stick together, right?

Diana: (nods) Right. Friends stick together.

As Diana stands up, Axel gives her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. Diana walks off, gathering her courage to talk to Edward once more. Axel watches her go, hoping that his friend can handle the situation and make Edward see reason.


After some time has passed, Diana returns to the courtyard where she left Axel. This time, she seems a bit flustered and has bloody thumbs.

Axel: (concerned) Diana, what happened? Why are your thumbs bleeding?

Diana: (laughs nervously) Oh, you won't believe it. While I was at Edward's place, helping him with some housework, I tried to catch a picture frame that was about to fall off the wall, and it grazed my thumbs.

Axel: (impressed) Wow, you really went all out helping him, huh? But are you okay?

Diana: (waves it off) Oh, it's just a scratch. I'm fine, really. Edward was just surprised that I knew my way around fixing things.

Axel: (grinning) See, I told you that you're more capable than he thinks!

Diana: (smiling) Yeah, I guess you were right. He was quite grateful for the help, though. We had a good talk, and he promised to take my concerns seriously from now on.

Axel: That's great news! I'm glad he finally listened to you.

Diana: (playfully) And guess what? He also admitted that maybe he shouldn't underestimate my abilities anymore.

Axel: (chuckles) Well, it's about time he realized that. You're a force to be reckoned with, Diana.

Diana: (blushing) Thanks, Axel. I couldn't have done it without your encouragement. You're a true friend.

Axel: (smiling) And so are you. Friends support and look out for each other. But seriously, be careful next time, alright? We don't want any more injuries.

Diana: (nods) Don't worry, I'll be more careful. Thanks for caring, Axel.

Axel: (nodding) Of course. Now, how about we take a break and get you some bandages for those thumbs?

Diana: (laughs) Sounds like a plan. Lead the way.

As Axel and Diana head off to tend to her thumbs, they chat and share a few laughs along the way. The incident with the falling picture frame seems to have brought them even closer as friends, reinforcing the bond between them.

Axel Blaze | Inazuma Eleven Imagines BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now