♥♥♥ Axel Blaze X Diana Muto ♥♥♥

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When Yugi was waiting for his sister before the Battle City Blimp he expected to see her as the shy girl who left to study abroad but instead was met with this confident young woman who walked towards him followed by her 3 male friends who kept her company every day she spend away from home

Yugi: *binks a few times* Diana is that you and who are that with you? *asks curious once Diana and the 3 males reach him*

Diana: Hey there Yugi *says as she hugs her brother before motioning to her friends* These are my teammates. Out goalkeeper and captain Mark Evans, our playmaker and strategist Jude Sharp and our Ace Striker and my best friend Axel Blaze

Mark, Jude and Axel: hey, nice to finally meet Diana's brother. *says with smile*
Joey and Tristan: you have a sister?! *asks eyes wide*
Tea: Yugi, how come you never told us?
Bakura: or how can we never have seen or met her before?
Mokuba: yeah, yugi what gives?

Diana: probably never came up since you all play card games

Yugi: yes, we've all bin so bussy with the card game that it never came up but at leats you guys know it now right?
the gang share looks before looking back at Yugi: True.
Yugi: Diana, let me introduce you to my friends. These are Tea, Mai, Joey, Serenity Joey's sister, Tristan, Duke, Seto Kaiba, his little brother Mokuba and Marik and Namu. *motions to each on of them as he introduces them*

Diana: Please to meet you. I'm Diana Muto

everyone: the pleasure is ours, Diana.
Duke: so what brings you here beside your brother of course? *asks curious just like eveyone else*
Mokuba: Seto invited her and Mark, Axel and Jude, in case you guys didn't know or realised it yet Diana play's soccer she's the best female striker.
everyone: whoa.

Diana: Yeah. However the invitation at first was only adressed to me and I had to beg Kaiba to let me bring my friends along

Kaiba: don't get to used it both of you. *says to Diana and Yugi*
Mokuba: oh come on Seto,

Diana: Yeah. Besides you were the one who wanted to prove to me this game actually makes sense just because I told you I don't see the big deal in a simple card deck

Kaiba: alright, alright i did say that. *says with a slight scoff crossing his arms*

Diana: And to me it's just boring to stay by the side and command someone else to do the work for me

everyone chuckles at that.
Mokuba: so Seto, shall we head inside?

Everyone then start boarding with Roland stopping everyone without card passes but eventually agreeing when Kaiba allows the gang on while the 4 soccer players jog up to the blimp windows as they all take off

Mark: this is gonna fun.
Jude: lets hope so.

Diana: I think it will be dangerous tho

Axel: Dangerous?
Mark: is there something we need to know?
Jude: wait a sec...*thinks about the moment they were introduced to each other* When Yugi said a certain name his voice tone changed and not in a good way.

Diana: In my opinion, usmainly have to keep our guard up and look after each other

Axel: then that's what were gonna do.
Jude: lets indeed keep our guard up.
Mark: and help your brother and his friends if they need it.

Diana: First lets see how things will go and then we will decide what to do *says as veryone gathers around the windows*

Mark, Jude and Axel nod and hum in agreement.

As the night went on tho and the first duel was nearly ready to begin Diana noticed the change in her brother to which she decided to react as she went over to the current Pharaoh incharge of her brother's body

Axel Blaze | Inazuma Eleven Imagines BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now