CHAPTER 3: First Day

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Hearing her alarm go off early in the morning, Y/n moans frustratedly from her bed as she hits the small table on her bedside her bed as if she was trying to reach for the alarmclock to turn it off but failed miserably. Letting out a sigh, she sat up on her bed and slammed it, turning it off instantly or she might have also broken it in the process. 

She ran her hand through her hair, shuffling it around and making it a lot worst then it had already seemed before she reached for her phone next to her alarmclock. Unlocking it, her eyes caught the sight of two messages sent to her from the work she had just applied for the day before. 

Thinking they were officially dumping her, she opened it and sighed. Although she didn't want to read it, she forced herself to, hoping that they might've changed their mind... and surprisngly, they did. Her eyes widened as she read through the messages. 


Gloria Hotel

Dear Miss L/n,
We've reached out to you to let you know that we've accepted your job application for Gloria Hotel's cleaning service.

Please reconsider our offer and reach out to us whenever you feel like you're ready to start. We're happily looking forward to working with you and you are more then welcome to start off today! See you soon!


Y/n gasps, covering her mouth with one hand as she stared at her phonescreen. Was she dreaming? What made them change their mind so suddenly? Her background? So many questions were running through her head as she read the message over and over again before she finally came down to her final decision. 

Since she really needed money to pay off her rent, she needed to start as soon as possible, and so with that, she sent a message replying that she will start right away that day. As she happily skipped around her house, taking her time to get ready, she sang, twirled and danced around until she came across the kitchen and saw the cake she'd received last night.

Approaching the dining table, she opened the box and stared down at the dessert that hadn't been cut with a smile.

"Is it just a coincidence? Or is this cake's purpose to give out goodluck?" she smiled.

Grabbing the box, she continues to twirl around the room while swinging it around in her hand as if she was the princess of some sort of children's book, but things got out of hand when she slipped over a sock lying on the floor and fell while the cake in her hand flew straight into the wall, staining it with icings and its chocolate flavor.

"...Guess I got ahead of myself..." Y/n chuckled awkwardly.


Y/n finds herself standing infront of the same tall building from the day before... Gloria's Hotel. She grips her purse in her hand once more, staring up at the building which towered over her small frame. This was one of the most successful running hotels in the world... maybe even considered the best. She heard rumors about it being top notch at everything they do, even the cleaners are supposed to dress in attires more appealing compared to regular cleaning uniforms.

She took another deep breath, doing a small prayer in her head for a couple of seconds before her eyes fluttered open and she walked over to the building's front entrance confidently only to be stopped by the same rude woman from the day before, who glared at her like she was some stray dog.

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