CHAPTER 4: Hidden Secret

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"I know there's a 2% possibility of a hottie like yourself to show up at this small gathering, but would you like to join our bakery store's team for the *** festival coming this month?! If so, then just sign your name here along with your phone number!" The cashier rambled on, not giving Kakucho a chance to reply.

 Kakucho was taken aback a bit but soon let out a small chuckle as he reached for the notepad only to pause a few seconds later and look back at the girl with a tense look on his face.

"By chance, the woman from early... did she sign up as well?"

"Oh! If you're referring to the woman who'd just left, I'm afraid not." She shook her head.

Kakucho sighs, "Is there anything useful you have at least that could help me find her? Her name at least. I feel a little out of place since I seemed to have just ruined her day."

"Ummm... Only on one condition!" The girl jumped with a determined look.

Kakucho seemed a little taken back but sighed once more as he stared at her, "what is it?"

"You get to sign up first!" She hands me the notepad and a pen.

Kakucho hesitantly signs the paper. He didn't know why he was doing this all for a stranger, but looking back and remembering that look on the woman's face from earlier, left him with that same feeling. The feeling... Like he was unfulfilled. He didn't know how to describe it but it felt unsatisfying and he had the sudden urge to make it up to her for some reason, despite not knowing her at all. 

After signing the paper, he hands it back to the young woman behind the counter and she blushed as her smile grew wider, she squealed and gripped the notepad in her arms before placing it aside, her eyes sparkling but she immediately clears her throat. 

"You're lucky to meet someone like me, I have very good memory...!" She exclaimed.

Kakucho simply tilts his head down at her as he simply waits for her to give him useful information. She blushes at that expressionless, yet somehow alluring look on his face before she clears her throat again, trying to seem unbothered by how much she was interested in this man despite him being quite older then her.

"I've stalked most of my exes, so I'm quite experienced at remembering a lot of things." She smiled proudly.

Kakucho seemed slightly concerned. "Wha--"

"Anyways!" She cuts him off. "I happened to see her ID card fall out of her purse earlier while she was trying to pay for her cake. Her name is Y/n L/n, her birthday the (your fate of birth) and she just turned 22 today." She informed him, despite the dangers that come with spreading personal informations of another individual, but her mind was too immature that she didn't think too much of it.

Kakucho smiles and pats her on the head, making the girl's heart fluter as she felt her knees suddenly getting wobbly as she heard the man thank her before he left a tip on the counter for her and took his cake before leaving the store. 

The little bell at the entrance rang as the door closed behind him while the bakery girl simply stood there frozen before stretching her arms and screamed at the top of her lungs before doing her little happy dance.

"QUIET DOWN, WILL YA!!?" An elderly voice yelled from the back of the shop.


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