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[The images used to create the front cover was drawn by me]

Hello, this is a Danganronpa headcannon book, there may be another in the later future. These will be mostly from my Hope's Peak Academy book and/or other people's headcannons I agree with.

However, I must decline a few characters and ships as I do not feel comfortable with them.

Teruteru Hanamura, Ultimate Imposter, Nekomaru Nidia, Akane Owari, Haji Towa.  Saioma, Ryoma x anyone, Warriors of Hope x anyone including themself, Tenko x any male, Kuzusouda, Mikan x Junko, incest, Togafuka, Chihimondo, Naegami, Junko x anyone. 

I do not do smut headcannons, but I do do angst headcannons.

I also do not do characters outside of the 4 main games.

I do non-despair aus, mastermind aus, Hope's Peak Academy aus and most anime aus with them.

The lowest I will go is 10 headcannons, that does not mean pages will not be edited to add more.

If you have any requests, please comment them here. I do suggest looking through the pages first in case I already did one you wanted, but I still take double requests as long as it's far apart.

[This page has not been edited]

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